[OD]my ship still in combat after scenario

hi there, me and my friends stars a random scenario with T2 ships (hydra2 hidra …) the scenarion don’t start & ours ships still in combat locked and unusable!!! is this a bug or what??? Anyone know how fix this? we try to start another game with others ships but nothing change! I really like this game but this kind of issue suks!!! I mind to subscribe a premium account but at this point i’m a little doubtful.

 I mind to subscribe a premium account but at this point i’m a little doubtful.


game is still in beta. bugs happen. 

This is a new bug that occur a lot since the audience of the game greatly widened after the steam release. Server are a bit overpowered.


I call that bug a lag. Usually after a few seconds / minutes, the ships come back.


There is another more annoying lag, where your ship go into battle and you stay in the hangar. And you have to wait all the battle. I imagine that there is somewhere a game with your ships “disconnected” and 14 players yelling at you. In this case, you have to wait for 15 minutes.



I will suggest that you use this wait time to read the FAQ, and maybe improve it by adding questions / answers :slight_smile: