Octopus Drones

Has anyone Experience with these?

I originally thought to use the option with the 3 ones, but 207 HP compared to the last option with 3500 HP for 2 drones is something else.

By the way the HP for Option 1 are not listed?!

Option 1 is regular drones if I remember correctly  hp is 207.


 Question here what is your build of octo , if you choose fast ambulance mode like verniers with adaptives  than choose 3 drones , it heals fast , shoots fast and come back in a shorter time.

If you choose tank build  than chose 2 drones with higher durability.


I did choose 3 drones even my octo 3 shield 3 hull tank i think its better than 2.

I have a tank/strafe build and use the 2 “tough” drones because they have a knack of surviving a blast from a missile or one coil shot. They also heal 50% more HP when drone is activated. The 3500 hitpoints means they won’t explode just because some stray railgun pellets or beam cannon passes through them.


Option 1 is the standard and they have 207 HP and heal the standard shield amount when activated. Their bonus is that they heal your shield at 200pts/s if shield is less than 50%, but if they blow up easier then they won’t be healing any shields XD


The 3 drone option allows for 5s less recharge before drones appear but heal standard acttivation and only heal 100pts/s if shield <50%. Good for pve or if you can fly out, do some damage or be a distraction and retreat behind cover.

I have a tank/strafe build and use the 2 “tough” drones because they have a knack of surviving a blast from a missile or one coil shot. They also heal 50% more HP when drone is activated. The 3500 hitpoints means they won’t explode just because some stray railgun pellets or beam cannon passes through them.




i must be a nub here but is that the built in drones u talk about and how do i change those on an engi? the one that u activate with F?

i must be a nub here but is that the built in drones u talk about and how do i change those on an engi? the one that u activate with F?

You can only choose them in the federation special project ship, the Octopus.


All the other engineers have the same default drones.

I don’t have the octopus but I would go with 2 drones with 3500hp if you want to play pvp. If you only do pve or invasion then 3 drones would be a wiser option