Object 2018 - Energy Destabilize Module

1.Flying around with energy drain immunity implant to counter object, use multipurpose when object in range, and it DOES NOT STOP IT! 

2. It to stop it because the active time and the range are so stupid. ECM’s cant counter it either. It’s stupid.

  1. PvP, trying to dogfight an Object, being denied because this bug. 

4. None

5.Every encounter with one and this module. 

6. Logs posted, screenshot cant be posted. Try it out and you will see. 

  1. 7:50 PM PST with General

8. Why?

Ignore the name, it’s for my other post at this same time as they happened in the same battle. 


9 hours ago, IFreakinLoveBass said:

1.Flying around with energy drain immunity implant to counter object, use multipurpose when object in range, and it DOES NOT STOP IT! 

2. It to stop it because the active time and the range are so stupid. ECM’s cant counter it either. It’s stupid.

  1. PvP, trying to dogfight an Object, being denied because this bug. 

4. None

5.Every encounter with one and this module. 

6. Logs posted, screenshot cant be posted. Try it out and you will see. 

  1. 7:50 PM PST with General

8. Why?

Ignore the name, it’s for my other post at this same time as they happened in the same battle. 

[StarConflictDagLauncherLogsBug.zip](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=16507)

the range isn’t a problem, I agree though that modules that give energy in forms other that normal regenration should still work

17 minutes ago, evo888 said:

the range isn’t a problem, I agree though that modules that give energy in forms other that normal regenration should still work

They do. dmg->energy  implant and energy emitter both work


r8 implant doesn’t work because this is an AOE, not something like ecm energy drain

why dogfight  ???’ oh yea because you want to use the EVEN more broken front blaster  …  well I have no pity on your broken PVP style … If you don’t like the energy drain module then fly a ship with a longer range and STOP abusing broken short range weapons !!!

21 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:

why dogfight  ???’ oh yea because you want to use the EVEN more broken front blaster  …  well I have no pity on your broken PVP style … If you don’t like the energy drain module then fly a ship with a longer range and STOP abusing broken short range weapons !!!

Actually I agree with you. With the current meta this is one of the best counters for interceptor swarm.

3 hours ago, Original_Taz said:

why dogfight  ???’ oh yea because you want to use the EVEN more broken front blaster  …  well I have no pity on your broken PVP style … If you don’t like the energy drain module then fly a ship with a longer range and STOP abusing broken short range weapons !!!

“why dogfight  ???’ oh yea because you want to use the EVEN more broken front blaster” .
actually the best way to beat front blaster is by going in for a dogfight , making the weapon useless because of the way it aims .

“If you don’t like the energy drain module then fly a ship with a longer range” .
so you are actually promoting the use of the front blaster that can reach quite the impressive range?? or just promoting camping at the back of the map with a long range weapon ? both of those would correspond to “broken PVP style” mind you

" STOP abusing broken short range weapons" .
NY18 module drains energy and prevent a lot of “skill” play, which means that a lot of people don’t bother anymore and just go golden eagle + front blaster …

54 minutes ago, dreamer78 said:

“why dogfight  ???’ oh yea because you want to use the EVEN more broken front blaster” .
actually the best way to beat front blaster is by going in for a dogfight , making the weapon useless because of the way it aims .

“If you don’t like the energy drain module then fly a ship with a longer range” .
so you are actually promoting the use of the front blaster that can reach quite the impressive range?? or just promoting camping at the back of the map with a long range weapon ? both of those would correspond to “broken PVP style” mind you

" STOP abusing broken short range weapons" .
NY18 module drains energy and prevent a lot of “skill” play, which means that a lot of people don’t bother anymore and just go golden eagle + front blaster …

just stop, please. we had just stomped out the last few ‘NY18 is OP because I’m an entitled interceptor pilot’ Aces when you came along. stop beating a dead horse

4 hours ago, Original_Taz said:

why dogfight  ???’ oh yea because you want to use the EVEN more broken front blaster  …  well I have no pity on your broken PVP style … If you don’t like the energy drain module then fly a ship with a longer range and STOP abusing broken short range weapons !!!

It isn’t a dogfight weapon… neither is it short range. 4k-5k range isn’t “short”

If anything, front blaster works better against NY18 than most weapons due to range + insane alpha dmg.

NY18 hurts normal playstyles more than it does front blaster swarm. So this isn’t an argument for not nerfing energy destabiliser 

13 hours ago, Original_Taz said:

why dogfight  ???’ oh yea because you want to use the EVEN more broken front blaster  …  well I have no pity on your broken PVP style … If you don’t like the energy drain module then fly a ship with a longer range and STOP abusing broken short range weapons !!!

huh? I don’t use Frontal Blaster? LOL I’m the last peroid that would abuse it. 


10 hours ago, dreamer78 said:

NY18 module drains energy and prevent a lot of “skill” play, which means that a lot of people don’t bother anymore and just go golden eagle + front blaster …

Yup. Years ago only an ECM had energy ability and that was countered by the implant. This is NOT. It stops you regenerating energy from even the ECM’s transfer module…it is horribly broken and needs to be nerfed. 

On 22.03.2018 at 8:30 AM, IFreakinLoveBass said:

.Flying around with energy drain immunity implant to counter object, use multipurpose when object in range, and it DOES NOT STOP IT! 

screenshots needed