[O]Commitment reward reset bug

Yesterday I was on day 2 reward, today I was back to day 1 reward. No, I did not skip a day, so something is broken.

I think part of it could be that the server’s time is based on a different definition of time than you.  If you play in the morning today, but at night tomorrow, I think it resets.  I’d still count it as a bug.

Bonus resets at midnight UTC. It’s not that.

I did not get my 2x bonus … told you something was up

I did not get my 2x bonus … told you something was up

I had actually edited my response to you on that matter mentioning my issue here. Something does indeed seem to be up.

Please follow the report [guide](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19744-how-to-report-bugs/).