NY18 Balance discussion

so from looking at the NY18’s modules i have a few notes,


-tactical shielding:

this module’s stats hit you like a literal hammer, or a flying saucer. the temporary shields have 15K capacity, just for a scale this is 150% of what the reaper’s special module gives, and the bastion shield can only affect the reaper due to its small radius, my opinion is that the shield capacity should be halved, this alone would fix the issue well enough.


-“Dome” MDS

this module seems effective until you read the fine print, it only affects missiles targeting the NY18 itself, this makes the module effectively just some re-skin of fox’s pirate IR flares, my recommendation is that it instead hacks all missiles in an area around the user, perhaps 2km or 3km.


-Energy systems destabilizer

i have to say that i see this module being either an interesting shake to the meta or a broken tactic based on one question (orca, if you’re here please answer this for me): does it disable energy-giving abilities and modules? or just energy regeneration? if only the standard regeneration is frozen, then this module will have engineers using the energy emitter far more often, this would be a nice change to the meta as the energy emitter currently feels ineffective.


-Relocation mechanism

this module is going to be devastating in the hands of someone who prioritizes targets, imagine if an engineer was hiding behind their team when an NY18 switched places with them, delivering the engineer straight into the hands of the enemy and giving the NY18 a position to hit the enemy frig-ball from behind. i don’t see any good ways to balance this, so let’s just be happy that NY18 doesn’t have permanent radar invisibility



this is my hypothesis on what the balance will be with some of the NY18 modules, comment!

I don’t know. I think convencional guard modules are better. 

20 minutes ago, aldermatias said:

I don’t know. I think convencional conventional guard modules are better. 

i wouldn’t be so sure

Instead of nerfing the big shield, but buff the Bastion shield. Cmon people don’t you know how balance works?

I think we  should leave it alone for once  … I would like to fly a OP ship into PVE just once before its nerfed for PVP … why don’t we do this  forbid it to enter a PVP queue  and  IT WONT HAVE TO BE NERFED !!!

On 12/28/2017 at 2:04 PM, Original_Taz said:

I think we  should leave it alone for once  … I would like to fly a OP ship into PVE just once before its nerfed for PVP … why don’t we do this  forbid it to enter a PVP queue  and  IT WONT HAVE TO BE NERFED !!!

i’m game, i don’t play pvp anyways, so i won’t be affected

we will see in about 4 hours

Well there’s a whole lot of broken stuff on the  NY18 … [‘Dag’tnith’ Launcher 13][Coil Mortar 12] can’t work on it… jumps into maps upside down  … movement implants don’t work on it  …acceleration is broken… and it doesn’t have 6 guns  it has 4 or 2 but there is no sweet spot to get all 6 … nice ship … aims better than other ship … drives like a destroyer  … hope they fix the broken stuff

The ship is really hard to pilot, no nerf if needed on any of his modules, actually I think it need to be buffed

11 hours ago, Original_Taz said:

acceleration is broken

my acceleration is 177, is that right?

standard guards are much better. Additional shield from NY18 doesent even have any resistances. Phase shield gives lot of resistances, speed buff and dmg buff. In comparasion to this 15k shield without resistances is meh. Other modules are also weak including Relocation mechanism  which is not triggering very often.

meh, must be a case of opinions, i’m good with NY18

one thing i hate is the concept of DPS guards, they’re a much more interesting ship when built for crowd control and disruption, we need more support oriented guards. but people just see a special module that isn’t based around making the ship a one-man army and scream “TRASH!”

13 minutes ago, evo888 said:

one thing i hate is the concept of DPS guards, they’re a much more interesting ship when built for crowd control and disruption, we need more support oriented guards. but people just see a special module that isn’t based around making the ship a one-man army and scream “TRASH!”

well NY18 does have 3x CPU and 2 cap slots, which is a great way to set up a DPS “guard”, just like all the prem guard frames

I honestly like it. For a Guard it is amazing at its job. Combined with dedicated guard modules, it can deny an area pretty darn well.


The teleport is still horrible though. Needs way more range. Or the option to teleport to allies.

3 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I honestly like it. For a Guard it is amazing at its job. Combined with dedicated guard modules, it can deny an area pretty darn well.


The teleport is still horrible though. Needs way more range. Or the option to teleport to allies.


Im with fox on this one ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Its a neat ship with interesting features and design. Got tired of every ship being a pure killer, its a nice change.

9 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I honestly like it. For a Guard it is amazing at its job. Combined with dedicated guard modules, it can deny an area pretty darn well.


The teleport is still horrible though. Needs way more range. Or the option to teleport to allies.

every word in this post was bang-on

10 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I honestly like it. For a Guard it is amazing at its job. Combined with dedicated guard modules, it can deny an area pretty darn well.


The teleport is still horrible though. Needs way more range. Or the option to teleport to allies.

Pretty sure this ship had intended to swap with allies, because you can select them like Phoenix. Module does nothing if done.