Now the cover ops can not attack the enemy behind? Death to Interceptor Dog Fights.

Star Conflict,


With the Interceptor “deadzones”.  There has been a major change in dogfights and although most people don’t realize it yet, as they might not enjoy interceptors as much as I do.  But dog fights have turned into jousting matches.  And the way to win them is less impressive.  Slowing your ship forces your enemy going fast to try to strafe around you. . … this causes their weapons at high speed to not work due to DeadZones.  Allowing you to apply full damage.   This is a MAJOR CHANGE that was not easily found in the patch notes.






While I agree with nerfing T5 turn key should be a focus. . . I really am not impressed with the implementation.  A suggestion is to reduce the front dead zones for a  larger firing area.

Dog fighting has been a very fun part of the game for me if not the most fun part of the game, and due to the the changes this part of the game has been completely changed. 


What I have noticed in game, is other interceptors basically ignore the faster rotation ships as they cannot shoot at them.  This is great for me but probably not a good thing for those that like tanky interceptors.


NOTE:  I am totally fine with the complete removal of turn keys.


Thanks please think of a way to resolve this:



First Support :


Isaac Clarke

Well i enjoy dogfights as much as u do as well (i read the forum) and in my opinion this is not dogfighting . stopping your ship to kill enemy … dogfight is about turning and speed and if we must stop our inters to kill enemy so then we can take directly destroyers … i just keep hoping devs will do something to fix this

This is ‘Fly Destroyers or Lose’ Conflict now, get with the times…

u want a dogfight? get a bubble gunship or tackler in t5. Thats what i do and also this is should be happened b4 because u could shoot behind and belove of your ship with inties which is weapon dont had an angle so basically this is a BALANCE’!!!

Adam, in any game, dogfights are determined by Agility and ability to realize ships full agility potential, and now we have the same thing in Star Conflict - you want to have an edge vs other interceptors you should be more agile than them and able to be at their 6, it is a basic of any dog-fighting in any game.

I like this change, it makes more emphasis on your build focus.

Keep in mind that Inties only have 2 turrets, so in reduced state it would only do 50% dmg, which is still a lot, compare it to Frigs/Fighters

they do 25% of their dmg while shooting back and it is still much harder for them due to their natural properties.

This is ‘Fly Destroyers or Lose’ Conflict now, get with the times…

If you thing destroyers are that OP in current state, you should reevaluate your personal capabilities as a pilot and ability to think in game terms.

u want a dogfight? get a bubble gunship or tackler in t5. Thats what i do and also this is should be happened b4 because u could shoot behind and belove of your ship with inties which is weapon dont had an angle so basically this is a BALANCE’!!!

Not sure I fully understand what you were trying to say.

But that being said. . . well right now I can build a bubble gunship that can do crazy maneuvers with turn keys and with overdrive just as fast as interceptors.  So the interceptors can replaced with bubble fed ships.  A dog fight with a gunship definitely is not the same as an interceptor.  So should dead zones be on fed gunships also ?  

Not sure I fully understand what you were trying to say.

But that being said. . . well right now I can build a bubble gunship that can do crazy maneuvers with turn keys and with overdrive just as fast as interceptors.  So the interceptors can replaced with bubble fed ships.  A dog fight with a gunship definitely is not the same as an interceptor.  So should dead zones be on fed gunships also ?

Your fed guns hip will not be as crazy with turn key as you think, it is only for 8 seconds, dead zones reduce dmg all the way to 25% (unlike inties with 50%) and your huge hit box will not help either

Adam, in any game, dogfights are determined by Agility and ability to realize ships full agility potential, and now we have the same thing in Star Conflict - you want to have an edge vs other interceptors you should be more agile than them and able to be at their 6, it is a basic of any dog-fighting in any game.

I like this change, it makes more emphasis on your build focus.


Really good point. . . build and ship selection over skill.  Ok I can work with that, so we can pretty much assume now any Empire inty ship is inferior to Fed due to agility and speed alone.


With that, have you tried a 1v1 in an interceptor lately ?  It is a jousting match as you require close to line of sight.  The counter is slowing your ship in an actual match this makes you die very quickly as there is more than one opponent.  So your only real choice in a less agile ship (like empire) is to:


A) Run from the dogfight

B) Try to dogfight but you will most likely loose to a similar skill or less skill opponent.

C) Rely on your team. - (good luck with this one.)

D) Ignore the dog fight.


So why would someone want a empire interceptor again ?  When fed clearly has major advantages. 

a) Interceptors are not the only ships in the game

b) You have 4 slots why don’t you have a ship aimed to fulfill Interceptor role, and a ship to full-filling anti heavy role? Why do you think one ship-build should be equally well performing in all sorts of situations?

c) I don’t see how build -> skill, neither before not now, they go had to hand.

d) this game is not about interceptor vs interceptor in 1v1, this game is about interactions between all sort of things in all sort of situations, being able to adapt and perform top noch in most-to-all of them, due to ability to adopt via all necessary means is what matters.

e) Why a-10 should be expected to perform equally to f22 in a dogfight?

Your fed guns hip will not be as crazy with turn key as you think, it is only for 8 seconds, dead zones reduce dmg all the way to 25% (unlike inties with 50%) and your huge hit box will not help either

I always thought intys were prone to 25%  also.  Guess not.  (learnt something new). 

I agree it won’t be as effective but has and will be used to great effect in a normal pvp battle.  


Generally, I am suggesting to increase the size of front firing arc for all interceptors. If the rest of the ship is a dead zone.  This should allow some attempt at balance to empire ships against feds. 

There are plenty of very agile Empire interceptors, just gotta, you know, leave those baby tiers…

Anybody who has learned to use unguided missiles in an inty shouldn’t have any problem with this change.   You have to point the nose of your ship where you want to shoot already.  Instead of doing a circle when dogfighting try doing figure 8’s instead.   You’ll have more “nose on target” time and also be able to land missiles when doing your strafing runs (not circle strafing).


This concept is actually tied to real life airplane capabilities.    Almost all fighter jets need to have nose on target to get missile and weapon locks.   

e) Why a-10 should be expected to perform equally to f22 in a dogfight?


Changing the interceptor combat of a game from the start to “fix” a flaw in “turn Key” key bindings that were over exploited. Isn’t attacking the base problem. Remove the “turn key”.


Also, this game doesn’t represent a A10 vs F22 as these fighters would never use projectile weapons on each other or dog fight. The weapons on your interceptor are put on a Turret which rotates 360% since the start of the game. Changing this basic functionality to “fix” turn key to me is not actually fixing the problem. Interceptors can still in T5 use turnkey with massive rotation and when the rotation points to the front of the ship their weapons still fire.  All it did was lower the DPS. 


Turn key still points your reticle at your target, turn key can still be used for keeping range, turn key can still rotate your ship at full speed, turn key will still  allow you to fire at your target while being very hard to hit.  

Anybody who has learned to use unguided missiles in an inty shouldn’t have any problem with this change.     


Lol, unguided missiles in turn key, fire at any point in rotation and do full damage. And still do it today.  Test it.  I’m right I do it in almost all of my turn key video’s.  Another “turn key” problem


This concept is actually tied to real life airplane capabilities.    Almost all fighter jets need to have nose on target to get missile and weapon locks.   


All of the ships in Star Conflict have a 360 rotating turret for their main weapons.  So real life airplane capabilities don’t apply !!  This isn’t warthunder.  Also weapon locks on all weapons occur by being on HUD in Star Conflict not due to nose on target.  


Can we stop the comparisons as they simply don’t apply.

I fly inties, i see next to no change in my performance, be it a dogfight or “busting tanks”.
Don’t fixate on this change as a “turn key fix”, it was a general problem , all you use to needed is a very high dpi setting on a mouse to keep up your guns with a target, and your ship just follows, you did not-really care to aligning your ship and your shooting angle, now you do. I don’t see what is the problem with - you wanna shoot something - face it.

When you build a fighter/frigate, if you wanna deal with inties you will invest heavily into rotation and projectile speed, adn you will lose in performance vs tanky targets, why interceptors should not be doing the same?

It can’t be THAT hard to remove that keybind, because somewhere wayyyyy back in the day they used to have a self-destruct key (backspace) that was removed.

There is no need to remove it, it is actually pretty good for frigs, allowing for some great action, plus well executed turning creates nice evasive manuvering it is just shouldnt be combined with easy mode shooting that much