Not receiving item in mail

  1. Describe the bug in a few words/sentences: I purchased a coil mortar r11-15 blueprint in mail for 150GS
  2. Why do you think this is a bug. It was not delivered to my inventory but my GS was debited.
  3. How often does this bug occur. Once.
  4. What was your last action/How to reproduce the bug. I don’t want to reproduce it.
  5. Detailed explanation of the bug.(Only if you need to add more information to 1.) I sent tell to seller (AleksMerser) via trade system. They advised to send GS first, then they would send item. I advised them that isn’t possible with current mail system. Then they sent a mail, I reviewed it to ensure it was in fact the correct item, them clicked the button to buy the blueprint. My account was debited 150gs. I went to workshop and was not able to find it. Then I went to trade window and checked the “in storage” checkbox and sure enough, I have no weapon systems blueprints.
  6. Your system specs + Operating system as DX Diag. Not a performance issue.
  7. Videos + Screenshots (Only if needed, but in most cases they are helpful). There is nothing to screenshot as there is no transaction history that I am aware of.
  8. Log files + Exceptions Also, no transaction history logs to provide.
    ( Please only add the Logs and Exceptions of the game session where the bug occured, not all! )
    (Logs can be found here: My Documents\My Games\StarConflict\logs)
    (Exceptions can be found here:   My Documents\My Games\StarConflict\Exceptions
    ( Upload the logs + exceptions as a .zip archive, not .rar! )



This possibility would obviously break the trade system. I won’t be purchasing anything from trade unless I can get refunded when the trade fails whether by deliberate exploit by the seller or some other technical issue.

already happened to me too…but was the opposite, never got my gs !! with 2 items for same person (don’t know him), but for sure, items, not anymore ! lucky that it was  with basic price…

don’t ask me proofs i don’t have… ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)

so, what can we do in these 2 situations ? take a screeshoot when a person ask for a item, with amount of your gs right now. take other screenshoot when you send it…and in case or this “bug” come again, take a screenshoot to watch there is no more gs, but  in storage, not the items you sent…

and delete all screenshoots you made before, in case… really boring methode, but possible…

funny trade…

12 hours ago, Norezen said:

  1. Log files + Exceptions Also, no transaction history logs to provide.
  2. ( Please only add the Logs and Exceptions of the game session where the bug occured, not all! )
    (Logs can be found here: My Documents\My Games\StarConflict\logs)
    (Exceptions can be found here:   My Documents\My Games\StarConflict\Exceptions
    ( Upload the logs + exceptions as a .zip archive, not .rar! )



This possibility would obviously break the trade system. I won’t be purchasing anything from trade unless I can get refunded when the trade fails whether by deliberate exploit by the seller or some other technical issue.

Could you upload files rqeuested, please?

Contact to support ( for find lost mail