Not again. >.<

I played Star Conflict a long time ago, but quit due to a bunch of higher tier ships being thrown into games with me because they’re basically invincible. The second time around the game has been really good about only having me fight my own tier, but for the first time it threw a tier 3 into my tier 2 game today. I was in a recon intercepter and the game mode was combat reconnaissance. I managed to sneak up behind the enemy team, take the captain’s shields and about a quarter of his armor down, tag him with a spy drone and micro warp drive out. While I had the captain spotted and had the whole enemy team’s back turned my team moved in for the kill. I turned back around just in time to see the captain die and 4 of my teammates surrounding the remaining two. I rushed back to try to get a few hits in before we inevitably won. It wasn’t so inevitable after all though. Those 2 guys managed to wipe out all 5 of us and we didn’t even manage to get through their shields. They got massively outplayed and won anyway. Please don’t tell me this is going to start being a regular thing again. How often does the game put you up against higher tiers these days?

They could have been very experienced players who decided to tier down for whatever reason. 


The skill gap is pretty big in this game, plus some ships with certain builds are a lot better than others. 

They could have been very experienced players who decided to tier down for whatever reason. 


The skill gap is pretty big in this game, plus some ships with certain builds are a lot better than others. 


No it definitely had to be a T3 or higher. He was just sitting there stationary or moving really slow and shooting at us. No MLG skills involved at all. I overheated my guns just to take down about a fifth of his shield. His friend was tough too, but not nearly as much. That could be explained by all purples and max synergy. The first guy had enough shields for several ships though.

They wouldn’t be higher than T3, you will only get into the tier of the highest tier ship in your lineup.

They wouldn’t be higher than T3, you will only get into the tier of the highest tier ship in your lineup.


I don’t have any T3’s yet. I have all T2, 2 rank 6 and a rank 4 that’s about to be a rank 6 next level. I have a purple EM plasma gun, but like I said it barely made his shield bar move. There’s no way he was T2.

I don’t have any T3’s yet. I have all T2, 2 rank 6 and a rank 4 that’s about to be a rank 6 next level. I have a purple EM plasma gun, but like I said it barely made his shield bar move. There’s no way he was T2.


A typo sorry, I was meant to say T2, as a games tier is dictated by the highest tier ship in your line-up. Lower tier recon’s don’t dish out much damage, so you must have been facing a Guard that had his phase shield set to EM resistance.

Do you remember the name of the ships? It sounds like you may either have been facing guards or guards and engies if they weren’t moving much…

The new matchmaker works as a +1/-1 rank queue system. If your highest rank ship was 6, you have the possibility of facing rank 7 ships (which are T3). 

Do you remember the name of the ships? It sounds like you may either have been facing guards or guards and engies if they weren’t moving much…

And the name of the pilot was Rakza :slight_smile:


Cybermancer, unfortunately, it’s hard to discuss something about this without any specifications. Current system doesn’t mix tiers. If all of your ships were T2, you could meet only other T2 ships.  

Doomb0t and DarthDirk_ are contradicting each other. Does anyone know who’s right? I’m assuming it’s DarthDirk_, but you never know. I didn’t remember to check what ship he was in after the game since I was mad and in a hurry to leave, but I’m 99.9% sure it was either a T3 or a bug. This dude could literally take as much damage as multiple T2 guard frigates.


A typo sorry, I was meant to say T2, as a games tier is dictated by the highest tier ship in your line-up. Lower tier recon’s don’t dish out much damage, so you must have been facing a Guard that had his phase shield set to EM resistance.


I’ve got the medal for killing a guard with his shield set to my damage type a few times. I know what that’s like. It wasn’t that. Maybe if he had all his slots full of nothing but EM resist and also had his guard shield set to EM, but that wouldn’t explain why the rest of my team couldn’t hurt him either.

And the name of the pilot was Rakza :slight_smile:


Cybermancer, unfortunately, it’s hard to discuss something about this without any specifications. Current system doesn’t mix tiers. If all of your ships were T2, you could meet only other T2 ships.  


If he met a Crus Q, no wonder why he had a hard time against it.


This thing is the RollRoyce of T2 Guards.

Doomb0t and DarthDirk_ are contradicting each other. Does anyone know who’s right? I’m assuming it’s DarthDirk_, but you never know.


Lol, never take the word of a player over the word of a developer on such things. DoomB0t is right. What DarthDirk is talking about has not been implemented into the live game yet.


Also bare in mind that if they are healing while you are shooting at them it will seem like you are not doing that much damage. I hope you stuck a spy drone to them to reduce their healing abilities :wink:


And I just thought, there are pick-ups dotted around maps that can increase speed, increase damage, heal hulls and, what I think may be part of the problem here, gives x amount of seconds invulnerability.


But more than likely the 2 players left were a Guard and an Engie. All we can do here is speculate though as you haven’t given us much to go on.

Lol, never take the word of a player over the word of a developer on such things. DoomB0t is right. What DarthDirk is talking about has not been implemented into the live game yet.


Also bare in mind that if they are healing while you are shooting at them it will seem like you are not doing that much damage. I hope you stuck a spy drone to them to reduce their healing abilities :wink:


And I just thought, there are pick-ups dotted around maps that can increase speed, increase damage, heal hulls and, what I think may be part of the problem here, gives x amount of seconds invulnerability.


But more than likely the 2 players left were a Guard and an Engie. All we can do here is speculate though as you haven’t given us much to go on.


I didn’t even notice he was a dev. I guess that settles it then. It’s good that they fixed that. That does bring up the question of how this guy was orders of magnitude more tanky than other T2 ships though. I stick spy drones to everything for the record. I almost got the second achievement for it. :smiley: It wasn’t the invulnerability pick up. He was being hurt, just not much. All of us together managed to get his shield down a little over half way. The other player was definitely a Jericho frigate of some sort. Red and black and too tanky to be anything but a frigate. He wasn’t tanky enough to raise eyebrows though. I have ship roles turned on in my UI settings now because of this thread.


One more question. I was team captain and got killed by a ECM interceptor with me and another guy shooting it and doing no damage at all. He had a glowing blue shield around his ship. That’s the invincibility pick up, right?

The new matchmaker works as a +1/-1 rank queue system. If your highest rank ship was 6, you have the possibility of facing rank 7 ships (which are T3). 


This has not been implemented yet.

One more question. I was team captain and got killed by a ECM interceptor with me and another guy shooting it and doing no damage at all. He had a glowing blue shield around his ship. That’s the invincibility pick up, right?


Glowing blue shield just sounds like the normal shield on a ship. It lights up after being hit by a weapon/missile. Invulnerability pickup does not show to the enemy, except that they deal no damage. The other thing it could have been is the ECM"s special (F-key) module. It is called the metastable field, and when activated, the ECM is invulnerable for a certain amount of time. But it is frozen in a sort of orange cocoon, and cannot do anything except look around, ping, and lockon to a target.

Glowing blue shield just sounds like the normal shield on a ship. It lights up after being hit by a weapon/missile. Invulnerability pickup does not show to the enemy, except that they deal no damage. The other thing it could have been is the ECM"s special (F-key) module. It is called the metastable field, and when activated, the ECM is invulnerable for a certain amount of time. But it is frozen in a sort of orange cocoon, and cannot do anything except look around, ping, and lockon to a target.


Nope, it was blue and the guy was flying around and shooting me while it was up. The metastable field doesn’t let you move or shoot. It must have just been a normal shield that was constantly glowing because he was getting hit so much.



This has not been implemented yet.


And hopefully it never will be. I spent $40 on the game and don’t want to have to quit again. There’s nothing more frustrating than being the only guy your tier in a game full of higher tier people and just being completely helpless and useless.

I think it was a command shield. Maybe you mistook a Jerry command for a Jerry ecm.

I think it was a command shield. Maybe you mistook a Jerry command for a Jerry ecm.


Not unless command ships have ion emitters now.

Not unless command ships have ion emitters now.






I thought those were ECM only. O_o How come my Jericho command fighter can’t have one?


Edit: Okay, I read the tool tip from the screenshot. That’s not what I meant. The wiki is crap and lied about the item name. I mean the one that ECM interceptors get that disables your weapons.