No Man's Land

That’s the point, Woo. We’re trying to create an incentive for the smaller corporations to pile up and have fun in No Man’s Land. I’ve specifically disallowed NASA (and any other “big name” corporations) from participating with their wings because of our networks. That way, the battlefield in No Man’s Land is more balanced and _is designed _for smaller corporations to have an increased chance of winning.


Sho, it’s a good idea - however I don’t know how many NA players will be on during European primetime. NASA for example is still at work or in lectures, so we physically cannot play during that time. One of my longest-running wishes is to get our North American S-wing to play a match in EU/RU primetime - to see how well they stack up against big challenges like DESU or Deft. However, that sadly will never come to fruition due to timezone and work/study schedule differences.

Of course, that is to go without saying - EU members are welcome to collaborate with _any _NA corporations, if you guys want to wake up at 5-6am to do so. I know Gizmo from OWL does that occasionally and millan used to, but I do not know of many other EU members who are willing to wake up that early. If you can find enough EU members to start that idea, I’m all for it.


That’s the point, Woo. We’re trying to create an incentive for the smaller corporations to pile up and have fun in No Man’s Land. I’ve specifically disallowed NASA (and any other “big name” corporations) from participating with their wings because of our networks. That way, the battlefield in No Man’s Land is more balanced and _is designed _for smaller corporations to have an increased chance of winning.


Sho, it’s a good idea - however I don’t know how many NA players will be on during European primetime. NASA for example is still at work or in lectures, so we physically cannot play during that time. One of my longest-running wishes is to get our North American S-wing to play a match in EU/RU primetime - to see how well they stack up against big challenges like DESU or Deft. However, that sadly will never come to fruition due to timezone and work/study schedule differences.

Of course, that is to go without saying - EU members are welcome to collaborate with _any _NA corporations, if you guys want to wake up at 5-6am to do so. I know Gizmo from OWL does that occasionally and millan used to, but I do not know of many other EU members who are willing to wake up that early. If you can find enough EU members to start that idea, I’m all for it.

I understand the good intentions behind it. Still I foresee the exploitation and the low motivation when you don’t get the expected results from such game mode. And as I said, it was done in the past… didn’t end up very well. I’m not the truth holder here, though. Just sharing my angle on it! :-)