No karma awarded when killing with certain drones

Because of the last thread getting closed because of…

Please, use correct bugreport form My English isn’t good and I don’t understand core of issue.

…i’ll try to post it more clearer trying to stick as close as possible to this format.


  1. The bug/problem is that since the most recent patch (1.2.5) the Tackler’s sentry drones and the engineer’s attack drones do not award karma anymore if they get the killing shot on a enemy.
  2. I expect to receive karma when attack drones and sentry drones kill a enemy.
  3. The conditions of this happening is all the time during normal Invasion/Open Space gameplay.
  4. Further details on this issue is that this is only happening with the Tackler’s sentry drones (both the normal and heavy sentry drone) and the Engineer’s attack drones (the combat drones still work fine). This also wasn’t a issue until patch 1.2.5 and with everything else you still receive karma like normal.
  5. The frequency of occurrence is everytime a sentry drone or a attack drone gets the final shot/killing shot on a enemy during normal Invasion/Open space gameplay.
  6. Screenshots aren’t really of use to show this issue and i don’t really have experience with video recording, but let me know if logs are needed. To reproduce the issue just get a kill with a attack drone or a sentry drone (normal and heavy sentry drone) in Invasion/Open Space and you will see no karma being awarded.
  7. No specific time when it happened.
  8. DxDiag not needed so far i know seeing it’s nothing technical on my end, this bug came along with the new patch.

Hopefully i explained the issue thoroughly enough this time around.

Attack on a part of NPC isn’t change your karma.

Skula, he is saying when his tackler/engineer drone kills cybers/pirates/biomorphs he doesn’t get karma. Is that correct game behavior? 

Skula, he is saying when his tackler/engineer drone kills cybers/pirates/biomorphs he doesn’t get karma. Is that correct game behavior? 

You would always get karma with everything before patch 1.2.5, the only time you wouldn’t get karma is if you killed certain enemies wich wouldn’t award you karma (bounty hunters, the enemies in Blackwoord Shipyard, etc.).

Not trying to sound offensive, but to offer some constructive criticism. If somebody’s english is this ‘‘basic’’ you might not want to have that person working with the english speaking side of the community, let alone with the problem/bug solving side of things.

I find i explained this issue clear enough so could i maybe have Aliskosan, Doomb0t or Error have a look at this?

  1. How NPC’s didn’t get karma?

  2. Logs needed for this issues

  1. It’s not NPC’s not getting karma, it’s PLAYERS/ME not getting karma from enemies/NPC’s that they kill when killing them with the Tackler’s sentry drones (both heavy and normal sentry drone) and with the Engineer’s attack drones (normal combat drones work fine). This is only happening since patch 1.2.5 and you would always get karma with every weapon before that.
  2. [chat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10327)[combat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10328)[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10329)[](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10330)

The logs are made specifically for this issue, i undocked at New Eden and killed some enemies with sentry drones showing no karma increase, then i also killed 1-2 enemies with my main weapon wich shows actually getting karma from the same enemies. Then i switched to a Engineer ship and killed some enemies with both attack drones and the normal combat drones (the ones that come with a Engineer naturally) and shows that no karma is being awarded with the attack drones, but karma does get awarded with the normal combat drones when killing the same enemies once again.

PS: Because of TheDarkRedFox replying in the previous thread saying he also was having issues with karma i assumed it’s a global issue and not just happening to me alone, but just to be sure if someone has some time to spare could they go into Open Space and verify they are not getting karma as well when killing with sentry drones and attack drones.

I can confirm this issue. Synergy for kill is granted, but karma not.

I can confirm this issue. Synergy for kill is granted, but karma not.

Thank you for the confirmation. :slight_smile:

Maybe it has been implemented to avoid lame AFK Karma farming.

Maybe it has been implemented to avoid lame AFK Karma farming.

To avoid several posts cluttering the thread again, me and another guy were talking about that possibility in the previous thread if you want to have a look at that.

[Thread.](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/29079-karma-issue/)

Which NPCs do you have to kill to didn’t decrease karma?

Karma doesn’t decrease as long as you’re killing enemies (the majority of them at least), which isn’t the issue, the issue is NOT getting karma when sentry drones and attack drones get the killing shot on a enemy (with all enemies). This was never the case until patch 1.2.5.

As I understood, if you kill a NPC by guns then your karma was changed, but if you kill same NPC by drones then your karma wasn’t changed. Is it right?

that’s correct.

As I understood, if you kill a NPC by guns then your karma was changed, but if you kill same NPC by drones then your karma wasn’t changed. Is it right?

Yes that’s correct.

In certain situations involving friendly NPC’s and players it affects assists as well, but in general killing a NPC with a sentry drone or a attack drone results in no karma change, when if i had killed the same NPC with anything else there would be a karma change.



Ok now i’m the one that’s confused. :stuck_out_tongue: What does ‘‘0058957’’ mean?

It is bugtracker’s issue number

It is bugtracker’s issue number

So this issue is being looked into? Is there anything else i need to do from now on to help the process or i just need to wait?