No end game progression


Devs my question to you is why do you seem so intent on killing off any sense of end game progression in this game, I can understand that end game players are far less likely to keep investing real money into the game how ever I think you underestimate the value of the end game player base and the reasons to keep them playing for as long as possible, The up and coming players that have been playing against us and that are still investing money have been upgrading there ships, weapons and modules in order to be able to go out and kick the crap out of those that previously been beating them down yet the people they want to beat down are all leaving in droves as there is no longer any sense of end game progression to keep them participating.


Adding limits to every single currency in the game means there is no sense of progression for those that are already at the end game, after all those currencies didn’t benefit the end game players anyway as they already owned everything which is why I cant understand your reason to limit them, at least before there was some sort of a marker for progression as an end game user, unlike now where you are actually penalised for every game you participate in if your over the limit.


If your going to limit currencies then you need to come up with something else that gives end game players a sense of progression


Also open space grinding in the game is too excessive people have to spend hours and hours farming in open space just to get base weapons and modules for there ships, I get that you wanted to increase the player base in open space but come on, it shouldn’t be for the base weapons and modules. The open space grind should be for mk5 weapons and modules only, and no I don’t say that because I don’t want to grind in OS I already have all the mk5 gear id just rather see more players in queue for pvp/pve than sat out in open space for hours a day


I’d like to see you bring back some of the tactical elements to Spec Ops as well, Defiler used to be so much more fun when there was a possibility to loose if someone messed up closing the portals or killing an inverter the way it is now with a team of dessies is just boring, nobody likes a 2 min wonder just ask your partners ;p


We also need more missions in the Spec Ops rotation as well preferably a different boss for every day of the week :wink:


Anyways rant over let the slaughter begin ;p



Stockpiling something useless indefinitely is hardly progress.


However, they keep adding new high rank ships for that exact purpose.


Maybe the defiler needs some extra weaponry to deal with dessies. That could ‘force’ the old playstyle back.

On 10/6/2018 at 2:03 PM, Scar6 said:

Stockpiling something useless indefinitely is hardly progress.


I agree it was not a great sense of progression in the first place but at least there was some sort of progression, as it is now not only have they removed that sense of progression and failed to replaced it with some sort of an alternative there actually penalising you for the time and effort you have already put into the game and continually charge you for your prior time and efforts, in the first week that they implemented the currency limit I lost more than 40 million in refits and repair costs just to participate in matches that didn’t reward me anything no matter if I win or lose, not only that but then they rub it in your face and tell you what you could have earned by stacking page after page of emails with the rewards that you should have received.


On 10/6/2018 at 2:03 PM, Scar6 said:

However, they keep adding new high rank ships for that exact purpose.


Sure I’ll still read the patch notes at least for the moment to see if a new ship has been released and when one is I’ll likely start participating the game again at leased until I get the new ship levelled up which wont take long, but as soon as it’s maxed out I’m back to the same position of no progress until the next ship gets released.


On 10/6/2018 at 2:03 PM, Scar6 said:

Maybe the defiler needs some extra weaponry to deal with dessies. That could ‘force’ the old playstyle back.


I cant see more power for the defiler bringing back the tactical aspect of Spec Ops if anything they need to limit the number of dessies that can be used against any Spec Ops Boss to maybe a max of 4-6 dessies.




Ah I haven’t played for a while so didn’t know they added that option, good to see they are listening to some of our issues maybe there is still hope

For me there is no mid-game progression as well (stuck at rank 11). Leveling mid-range-ships (instead of piloting my maxed out Jaguar) just to open new systems in “open” world map isn’t too fun, it feels more like a visit to dentist: painful necessity.