No clipping in jericho shipyard

Hello (again) :smiley:


I had a fun time enjoying passing THROUGH those things in the jericho’s shipyard with a friend x)

Screenshot of the criminal: post-256008-0-99217700-1439148279.png



I don’t see it.

Are you talking about the holograms?

What cannot you see? The pic?

I talk about the 6 floating red grey and round things with the jericho icon on the center.

There is no hologram anywhere… It’s something that should be solid.

What cannot you see? The pic?

I talk about the 6 floating red grey and round things with the jericho icon on the center.

There is no hologram anywhere… It’s something that should be solid.

… it seems fine.

the weird glowing red parts that seem faint are actually holograms, as are the red “shields” on guard stations.

How to reproduce it?

You just need to fly toward it and to collide with the center of the “solid” part (any speed works): the sound of collision will be emitted but the ship will be teleported through.


I’m glad to help :slight_smile:

The bug isn’t fixed, I can still pass throught the solid.

I will attach a log soon.

The bug isn’t fixed, I can still pass throught the solid.

I will attach a log soon.

can you post a video tutorial on how to reproduce it?

I mean, I did do it myself, but it seems kinda… weird.

And it was also unnoticeable for the first 2 attempts.


What does those numbers mean?


I give you my logs:

GMT+1 I was out since 15:49 and get back in hangar around 16:00.


[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9725)


The video is uploading on youtube, link comming soon.

What does those numbers mean?


I give you my logs:

GMT+1 I was out since 15:49 and get back in hangar around 16:00.




The video is uploading on youtube, link comming soon.

Bug has been collected and will be worked on.

Ah okay :smiley:

I will still give a link to the video in the OP for peoples ^^

OP edited with link.