Ninth Planet in Solar System (Discussion)

And what do you think about this discovery?

This would be very nice, but there could be even way more ‘lost’ planets or even traveller ones. :slight_smile:

Not surprising, considering that Prot already told us we have 10 planets in our system years ago. But yeah, progress, step by step :slight_smile:

Not surprising, considering that Prot already told us we have 10 planets in our system years ago. But yeah, progress, step by step :slight_smile:


Sorry, who?

At first I was like *hype modules activated* then I realised that this really doesn’t mean too much for us at the moment. XP

Sorry, who?


Prot, that guy from K-Pax.

20000 years to orbit the Sun?! Are we sure this is still in the Solar System…?

20000 years to orbit the Sun?! Are we sure this is still in the Solar System…?


That’s nothing in terms of distance. It’s only ~1,200 times at max earth distance from the sun, so nothing compared to the 1+ ly.

At first I was like *hype modules activated* then I realised that this really doesn’t mean too much for us at the moment. XP

It mean something for us. If we cant really detect object of that size in our solar system then how many planets we are missing in other solar systems?

If you want hype modules about something what mean A LOT for us (biggest discovery since we invented wheel if its true) read about this. Even scientists said that it is possible.

20000 years to orbit the Sun?! Are we sure this is still in the Solar System…?

We have Sedna planetoid/dwarf planet that need 11k years to orbit, so why not. Suprising is its size, we observe things so many lightyears far, but didnt notice so big object in Kuiper belt?



If you want hype modules about something what mean A LOT for us (biggest discovery since we invented wheel if its true) read about this. Even scientists said that it is possible.


Some say that is “just” a cloud of matter, comet leftovers, some say that it could be Dyson sphere. Probably we wont know until we go there.


Suprising is its size, we observe things so many lightyears far, but didnt notice so big object in Kuiper belt?


That’s because how we measure things. Our instruments mostly measure radiation of some sort. We see our sun because it shines very bright. We also see stars in other galaxies because they shine very bright. We also see things like pulsars, because they are big shiny beacons, like lighthouse towers. Most of the radiation that we can measure is not in the range that our eyes can detect. But we are clever enough tu build some instruments that can make it visible for us.


Planets usually don’t shine themselves, but reflect the light of stars. That’s why it’s much harder to see them - some planets reflect more light than others, depending on what they are made of. Also, the further away something is, the harder it is to spot. The only reason why we can see Venus in our nightsky is because it is so close to us and reflects a decent amount of light.

There are planets that don’t reflect alot of light, so of course we have trouble to detect them. It’s like there is a ninja in your room. Unless he makes a noise, you just don’t see him.

Some say that is “just” a cloud of matter, comet leftovers, some say that it could be Dyson sphere. Probably we wont know until we go there.

And we wont go soon. Or maybe we should not go there at all.

It mean something for us. If we cant really detect object of that size in our solar system then how many planets we are missing in other solar systems?

If you want hype modules about something what mean A LOT for us (biggest discovery since we invented wheel if its true) read about this. Even scientists said that it is possible.

Scientists also once said that the earth was flat, and was the center of the solar system, soooo…

He said it would be exciting to have another planet… Well you are going to have 9 big wow you had 9 years ago :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Scientists also once said that the earth was flat, and was the center of the solar system, soooo…

We know only what we can see. Back then we cant see from other perspective. Now light speed is problem. We can see in real time.