Ninja changes in 1.5.7e

So… so far in the new update a lot of stuff has been changed without warning - with some changes in particular being somewhat questionable if there was even logic behind them. So just in an effort to see much has changed without notice I thought it’d be nice if we could try collate what ninja changes have been discovered since the update rolled out.


_ So far from what I’ve seen personally: _
Synergy gain in OS has been lowered
Credit gain has been lowered in PvE (I haven’t done much PvP yet)
A minimum rank was added for unique munitions (rank 9) 

Defiler difficulty was raised
Standard resources are back in the trophy search pool

Patrol missions had loyalty and ship parts removed from them and ship selection narrowed drastically

Bots are back in PvP so get your free kills in


Aaand yeah. Anyone noticed anything else?

Old launch UI is back.

All ships are once again equally bad, and Tai’Kin and Spark are in the lead of most useful again.

Some weapons not mentioned are stronger/weaker. Assault Rails seem to have suffered a slight loss in damage output.


Idk the patch was massive so a lot of new stuff was added. We probs just gotta wait for them to make events happen.

Crimson Haze - mobs hits slightly harder, transports move faster and turrets hp significally lowered.

3 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Some weapons not mentioned are stronger/weaker. Assault Rails seem to have suffered a slight loss in damage output.

Actually there was no change at any weapon. (Except at a unreleased one)

11 hours ago, TheDerpNukem said:

So… so far in the new update a lot of stuff has been changed without warning - with some changes in particular being somewhat questionable if there was even logic behind them. So just in an effort to see much has changed without notice I thought it’d be nice if we could try collate what ninja changes have been discovered since the update rolled out.


_ So far from what I’ve seen personally: _
Synergy gain in OS has been lowered
Credit gain has been lowered in PvE (I haven’t done much PvP yet)
A minimum rank was added for unique munitions (rank 9) 

Defiler difficulty was raised
Standard resources are back in the trophy search pool

Patrol missions had loyalty and ship parts removed from them and ship selection narrowed drastically

Bots are back in PvP so get your free kills in


Aaand yeah. Anyone noticed anything else?

yeah, you are getting 25-70k from each loot slot now. Not affected by premium license.

also increased rewards for OS missions. 12 screened batteries from simple escort mission? Hell yeah.

Haven’t noticed the Defiler difficulty change, tbh…

Credit gain in brawl is higher than in R10 PvE ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


7 hours ago, OwnageMaster said:

Haven’t noticed the Defiler difficulty change, tbh…


He probably meant Destroyer since Defiler is today not yesterday. It definitely go harder, the boss got an HP boost and Photon got nerfed slightly, so the full destroyer tactic doesn’t work that easily anymore.


Edit: Defiler definitely got harder. The Inverters Spawn way faster and you can’t shoot it down anymore before it activates the shield the 2nd time. Also the health of the Defiler got increased therefore the battle takes longer and killing the inverter and closing portals got mandatory again. ( also I think the portal aliens did get harder but I’m not sure about that).

Craftable ships got their material cost reworked, duplicator craft cost in computing chips significantly increased.

Btw, forums got a template for bug reporting.