Newbie need some suggestions ...



I joined today. So this is my 1st post :)wt 

I don’t know anything or little about this game, So I would 1st check some forum guides.

I’ll start game as free user, if this game will be fun for me then I would play for entertainment.


1.So 1st question I have is which side i would join from the 3 ? (I have a choice but I have no idea of this game, so asking)



My advice? Don’t spend a penny on this game. It isn’t worth it at all.

My advice? Don’t spend a penny on this game. It isn’t worth it at all.

Don’t mind this guy, he is on of those so called forum trolls




I joined today. So this is my 1st post :)wt 

I don’t know anything or little about this game, So I would 1st check some forum guides.

I’ll start game as free user, if this game will be fun for me then I would play for entertainment.


1.So 1st question I have is which side i would join from the 3 ? (I have a choice but I have no idea of this game, so asking)



1st and most important: this is still an OPEN BETA there are a lot of stuff that is still NOT in the game YET

2)at this moment there is no meaning what faction you start for, the Sector Conquest is meaningless as well so far. (in short as long as you fly solo and not in a corporation (guild) your starting Race will contribute your win points towards sector conquest.)

3)You can change your faction in game no problem, and it will remember your progress, you can have ships off all races in same time in your hangar equipped.

4)you can NOT sell ships!

Don’t mind this guy, he is on of those so called forum trolls.

Yeah, this guy has no idea what he’s talking about. You know; fanboy type?

Seriously, don’t spend anything. Not a good decision to make. Atm the developers aren’t making very good patches (the latest has just gone and alienated quite a few veterans) and the game will quickly lose its lustre in Tier 2, where you’ll be matched against ships far more powerful than your own with better modules and weapons. If you wanted a game you could play for entertainment, come back a couple of months ago then it’s yours.



I joined today. So this is my 1st post :)wt 

I don’t know anything or little about this game, So I would 1st check some forum guides.

I’ll start game as free user, if this game will be fun for me then I would play for entertainment.


1.So 1st question I have is which side i would join from the 3 ? (I have a choice but I have no idea of this game, so asking)





Each of the three factions are just a matter of what sort of background you want your character to be from. You actually can play ships from any of them with enough time.

Strawberry - Chocolate - Vanilla


choices choices

Or you can try every dang gone one of the ships ! of each faction Try them all !!

I actually clicked on a Jericho IV Guard Frigate and got a NOTICE… OUT OF SPACE in the warehouse…I had to sell some stuff. Didn’t even give me a choice if I want to purchase additional space… I guess there is a max warehouse limit.

Well since Mk1 gear is just about are totally useless in any past T1 … I got rid of every single one…

Will they ever get to the point or at least discuss the possibility of letting you get rid of some of the SHIPS you picked up…and won’t use ?

Warehouse space expands as you rank up no?

Warehouse space expands as you rank up no?

You have to buy them with credits or by buying a non-pirate DLC.

You have to buy them with credits or by buying a non-pirate DLC.

Yup bought it with DLC  Elite Pilot Pack. Guess grinding back through each Faction ship tree\line just to get up to T3 Imperial LRF Frigate and Jericho Guard Frigate T4  along with the modules eventially ate up all that space.

You have to buy them with credits or by buying a non-pirate DLC.

My Mercenary Pack gives me the “maximum” storage space, 1100 slots.  If it changes by tier, it’s not maximum.  I’m at 539, and I wiped out a lot of modules from T1 and T2.  Reaching T5, on all factions would require me to delete modules.