New Years Weapons

Should I sell my New Years weapons before they get removed from the game? Or are there rewards for the weapons you have at the end of the event?

I suggested that there should be a conversion for the weapons, but idk. I hope that they won’t just vanish. That would be awful.

Why would there be a special reward for keeping stuff in your warehouse ?

Sell them, you won’t get any bonus. You only risk to loose free credit.

Sell them if you dont have Billions of creds already. If you do have billions, and i really mean billions. then yea, take the chance i guess.

I sold all mine and I agree with everyone. At last no more firework flux that hurts more than orange ones…

3 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I suggested that there should be a conversion for the weapons, but idk. I hope that they won’t just vanish. That would be awful.

I hope they will vanish beacause i hate them (even thou they have those nice shiny effects) most of all the flux because it is a high range, no skill weapon.


3 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

Why would there be a special reward for keeping stuff in your warehouse ?

Sell them, you won’t get any bonus. You only risk to loose free credit.


2 hours ago, CptDoss said:

Sell them if you dont have Billions of creds already. If you do have billions, and i really mean billions. then yea, take the chance i guess.


47 minutes ago, Milfeulle said:

I sold all mine and I agree with everyone. At last no more firework flux that hurts more than orange ones…

I agree on all of those and would add; if there would be a special reward for every ny weapon, they should have told us to keep them or make them “not for sale”. Everything else would be unfair

6 hours ago, GeMichi said:

I hope they will vanish beacause i hate them (even thou they have those nice shiny effects) most of all the flux because it is a high range, no skill weapon.

No Skill!!! I do really well with Assualt Railguns but the flux phaser is the most difficult for me to pull off and use effectively. Get one shot off accurately! Sure! But to do consistent damage, whole other story.

Flux is more of an OS/anti-inty weapon.
It’s annoying and a weapon I won’t use.
But the suppressor was awesome(but BS damage-wise against dessy).
The accelerator was quite nice.