New To The Game

I just started playing Star Conflict, a few days ago.


I enjoy the game,  it seems like it has a bit of depth as you progress down the ship trees, and I like the different roles each ship offers.

I do have a few questions:



1.  Are there videos available that explain how to fly effectively?   I have learned on my own with moderate success, though there are times when I encounter enemy interceptors that can pull crazy circling speed manuevers around me and still land hits. 


2.  What is the trajectory of the game?   I see that an “invasion mode” is set to be releasing soon, but I cannot find much information describing what the mode is all about.  Is it PVE featuring new alien ships?   Will there be another faction line introduced of Alien ships?    


3.  I see people writing often about “dreadnaughts” and that supposedly they are coming soon - what are dreadnaughts?  Are they a new line of pilotable ships?


4.  I also see mention of “free space” open world gaming-  is that something likely to be added to the game?   An open world with organic fighting, trading and territory control?


Thank you sirs and madames in advance.

  1. Normally i would say only: learn to aim, dodge, and fly where you should be and where you SHOULDN’T be but i will say also Here we have lots of videos that maybe somehow can help you somehow to encounter enemies and defense against them just look around and you will find them (Someone sent him links to help him out)


  1. Invasion Mode is a sandbox world that is current in beta doing to the fact that is new of course :004j: WE are and still only will be 3 factions, and regardless about the alien ships well it would be like spoilers if i tell right?


  1. Dreadnought a massive ship that we current have no idea about what will be use for now or in the future since is still not being finish, but we been manage to obtain blueprints of it: (Below)


  1. Invasion Mode is open to all those that either buy the dlc packs that contains it or buy over 6000 gold standards OR getting the achievement “Universe conqueror” that requires 1000 achievement points,






Beware those pictures were made long ago.

I just started playing Star Conflict, a few days ago.


I enjoy the game,  it seems like it has a bit of depth as you progress down the ship trees, and I like the different roles each ship offers.

I do have a few questions:



1.  Are there videos available that explain how to fly effectively?   I have learned on my own with moderate success, though there are times when I encounter enemy interceptors that can pull crazy circling speed manuevers around me and still land hits. 


2.  What is the trajectory of the game?   I see that an “invasion mode” is set to be releasing soon, but I cannot find much information describing what the mode is all about.  Is it PVE featuring new alien ships?   Will there be another faction line introduced of Alien ships?    


3.  I see people writing often about “dreadnaughts” and that supposedly they are coming soon - what are dreadnaughts?  Are they a new line of pilotable ships?


4.  I also see mention of “free space” open world gaming-  is that something likely to be added to the game?   An open world with organic fighting, trading and territory control?


Thank you sirs and madames in advance.

  1. Interceptors get that good by practice. I’ve played for over a year and I still can’t figure out how people do that stuff.

  2. I don’t think Invasion is going to be much more than a gimmick. The bulk of the action is still in Skirmish and Sector Conquest modes. At the moment, Invasion is a (mostly) solo PvE mode with pirates and aliens. You kill them, find loot, complete contracts and use the spoils to make new gear.

  3. Dreadnoughts have been “coming soon” for about two years now. Don’t pay them any attention.


  1. No. Invasion Mode is the closest we’ll get to open space.
  1. Interceptors get that good by practice. I’ve played for over a year and I still can’t figure out how people do that stuff.


I suspect free aim helps a lot as well, but I already ran out of fingers on my left hand and mouse buttons on my lousy mouse. 



Frigates don’t fly. They fall… With style.


I know my Styx isn’t the toughest thing in the universe, but it has earned me enough Fear Me medals. Furthermore, there are players like Rakza and ELMustacho who are solid frigate pilots.

i would practise aiming in tier 1 (limited weapons) then in tier 2 (which has more weapons) try out all the guns and practise you aim some more. when you get to tier 3 and above, the skill is added into the game (because ships are very weak in tier 1 + 2 there is a large element of randomness and you often die to missile spam, people self destructing etc) and at this point i would take a look at the guides in this section of the forum [](< base_url >/index.php?/forum/259-ships/)


there are guides currently for commands, engineer, guard, gunship and tackler

Skip aim, go for flying your ship and positioning.  They can’t kill you if they can’t hit you.  Start with interceptors since you really need to know how to fly the ship.  Those skills can make you a deadly frigate pilot instead of a target frigate pilot.

Thank you for all the replies. 

Is this game still considered to be a beta? It seems like there are always some players online to match (US server), though I have never heard of this game, and only came across it by chance. I noticed only a few reviews on Metacritic and not much in terms of advertisement.


Im considering if I should buy into the game, and how much exactly would provide me with some tangible extra experience in the game, as well as support the developers.


Some of the aspects of the purchasing items in game are a little bit vague.   When you buy ship colors in the cosmetic options, is that color then open to all ships permanently?


In regard to the Invasion mode-  is it expected that there will be modules and accessories available exclusively from playing Invasion?


I have been playing the Jericho line of ships (and often the Intercetor), which I have been reading they are pretty lightweight in terms of damage and survivablity.  So maybe I will gain some measure of “skill”, by playing and leveling up the J ship line.  


Thank you all again in advance.

Skip aim, go for flying your ship and positioning.  They can’t kill you if they can’t hit you.  Start with interceptors since you really need to know how to fly the ship.  Those skills can make you a deadly frigate pilot instead of a target frigate pilot.


positioning is more for intermediate skill (t3+ frigate pilots for example), aim is the main thing when you first start out. no point training movement / manoeuvres in tier 1 or 2 because of the negative energy regeneration, (you can only use your afterburners for a matter of seconds in these tiers except for 1 or 2 premium ships). what you are suggesting is mainly for tier 3 and up. this pilot is new to the game