New tasks doesnt work


First i would like to apologize - this bug should be in section “leveling” but, there is a bug in this forum and it´s not possible to start new topic in “leveling” section (see printscreen)

Error report

| Describe problem and what you saw | After reaching new level i get a new set of tasks - they are in “ship resources” section, but i think, it should be in “campaign”. The task does not make any sense - there is task “own 6 ships” and button “to battle” - ok, i own 6 ships, so i went to that “battle” - after PVE ends, nothing happend. Second task there is “open crew window and install implant” and under the task is again “to battle” button - so i opened the window with crew and reimpant some implants…nothink happend - then i went to that “battle” by cliclking “to battle” button…after PVE nothing happend…Third task is “destroy 1 enemy object in PVE mission” - ok thats the first one, where “to battle” button does make some sense - so i started the battle, destroyed 6 enemy objects, won and then again - nothing happened - the task is still there. I think that these tasks shuld be in different section, not “ship resouces task” and maybe that´s the reason why they dont work. |
| What you expected to see | working tasks |
| Conditions in which error reproduce | after reaching new level |
| Problem details | After reaching new level i get a new set of tasks - they are in “ship resources” section, but i think, it should be in “campaign”. The task does not make any sense - there is task “own 6 ships” and button “to battle” - ok, i own 6 ships, so i went to that “battle” - after PVE ends, nothing happend. Second task there is “open crew window and install implant” and under the task is again “to battle” button - so i opened the window with crew and reimpant some implants…nothink happend - then i went to that “battle” by cliclking “to battle” button…after PVE nothing happend…Third task is “destroy 1 enemy object in PVE mission” - ok thats the first one, where “to battle” button does make some sense - so i started the battle, destroyed 6 enemy objects, won and then again - nothing happened - the task is still there. I think that these tasks shuld be in different section, not “ship resouces task” and maybe that´s the reason why they dont work. |
| Frequency of reproduction | once |
| Time of bug |   |





Looks like broken localisation to me - can you switch to English and check if description says the same?

Is issue continue on English language?

hi, suprisingly it was really the localization problem - in english is the missions content completly different. Thanks a much.