New spec op ,,hijacked dreadnought''

There are 3 spec ops with aliens how about creating a one with the pirates (enclave)?

The pirates randomly hijacks one of 3 possible dreadnoughts (imperial, federation or jericho) and then we have to destroy it.

There are 3 waves: 1st destroy dreadnought modules, 2nd destroy major calibers and 3rd destroy dreadnought (by another dreadnought from the faction from which dreadnought was hijacked). Pirates ships will spawn all the time and between the waves the pirate dreadnought create sos beacon which summons pirate destroyers (maybe not as hard as the ones in os but much harder than the normal ones) we have to capture that beacon and kill the rest destroyers before we can go to the next wave. The allied dreadnought will appear in 3rd wave and we have to activate its weapons in the same way as in eden spec op but 3 at the same time. 

no, special ops are about aliens, but i would like to see alien dreadnought fight, i was about to post a suggestion on this

meanwhile pirate dreadnought battle could be random mission, not as hard

On 2/23/2021 at 4:14 PM, jandaro said:

no, special ops are about aliens, but i would like to see alien dreadnought fight, i was about to post a suggestion on this

I don’t think that there is a rule that doesn’t allow to make a spec op without aliens. Spec op is a large scale pve or something like that so why can’t they make a spec op with pirates?

On 2/23/2021 at 4:15 PM, jandaro said:

meanwhile pirate dreadnought battle could be random mission, not as hard

It could be also a pve mission, but i tried to make it like a spec op. The major difference in this case is bots hp and number of players.

We already have over a dozen pve missions, but only 3 spec ops so I wanted to add another one and this time without aliens.