New SCL Challenger Tournaments

Pilots! The new tounaments system has started to work. Create a team for Star Conflict League, register it on a Special Website, and go for the victories! For every battle your team will earn special Tokens, which can be spend in our Special SCL Shop!

While website’s interface is on Russian, our beloved pilot [Shotan](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/248677-shotan/&wr=eyJhcHAiOiJjb3JlIiwibW9kdWxlIjoibWVzc2FnaW5nLWNvbW1lbnQiLCJpZF8xIjoyODM3OCwiaWRfMiI6NTkyNTN9)was kind enough to help everyone with registration ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)  So get in, mercenary! Glory awaits!


Saturday. February 18. 15:00 UTC.


  Скрыть содержимое

* 5х5 Capture the Beacons
* 11-15 Ranks
* “Ancient Ruins” map
* Single Elimination, best of 1

*Participating teams will get SCL Tokens for each fight:
Victory - 2 Tokens
Defeat - 1 Token

Challenger Registration

SCL Shop

Live Broadcast!

[Discussion](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/31012-scl-tournaments-discussion/&do=findComment&comment=392443)

Pilots! The new tounaments system has started to work. Create a team for Star Conflict League, register it on a Special Website, and go for the victories! For every battle your team will earn special Tokens, which can be spend in our Special SCL Shop!

While website’s interface is on Russian, our beloved pilot [Shotan](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/248677-shotan/&wr=eyJhcHAiOiJjb3JlIiwibW9kdWxlIjoibWVzc2FnaW5nLWNvbW1lbnQiLCJpZF8xIjoyODM3OCwiaWRfMiI6NTkyNTN9)was kind enough to help everyone with registration ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)  So get in, mercenary! Glory awaits!


Saturday. February 25. 15:00 UTC.


  Скрыть содержимое

* 5х5 Capture the Beacons
* 11-15 Ranks
* “Ancient Ruins” map
* Single Elimination, best of 1

*Participating teams will get SCL Tokens for each fight:
Victory - 2 Tokens
Defeat - 1 Token

Challenger Registration

SCL Shop

Live Broadcast!


Saturday. March 4. 15:00 UTC.


  Скрыть содержимое

* 5х5 Capture the Beacons
* 11-15 Ranks
* “Ancient Ruins” map
* Single Elimination, best of 1

*Participating teams will get SCL Tokens for each fight:
Victory - 2 Tokens
Defeat - 1 Token

Challenger Registration

SCL Shop

Live Broadcast!