New player with few questions

Hello all, 

This game so far has been very much fun and I hope to keep playing it for a while (esp if Sector Wars and Invasion Mode are fun). 


Few questions:


  1. I just started the game and I’m flying federation Tackler. So far I can only use rail guns on this ship. Are we able to buy/manufacture new weapons (eg plasma/lasers) and install them on any type of ship (eg lasers on the Tackler)?


  1. Can we manufacture weapons/armour/modules for our ships?




P.S. I’m trying to put an avatar on my forum profile, for some reason none of the pics are working.



Hello all, 

This game so far has been very much fun and I hope to keep playing it for a while (esp if Sector Wars and Invasion Mode are fun). 


Few questions:


  1. I just started the game and I’m flying federation Tackler. So far I can only use rail guns on this ship. Are we able to buy/manufacture new weapons (eg plasma/lasers) and install them on any type of ship (eg lasers on the Tackler)?


  1. Can we manufacture weapons/armour/modules for our ships?




P.S. I’m trying to put an avatar on my forum profile, for some reason none of the pics are working.

  1. Ships are separated in tiers and ranks. Each 3 ranks are one tier. In tier 1 where you are now (Lynx and Lynx M) you can only fit assault railguns, but as soon as you reach tier 2, you will be able to fit different guns. Tier 3 will give you access to different ammos as well.


Keep in mind that weapons only work in ships of the same tier. A tier 1 assault railgun won’t work in a tier 2 or tier 3 ship. Also, modules are interchangeable, so you can switch weapons in the same class (for example using that assault railgun in the lynx and then mount it in the Hercules and play another game with it)


  1. Yes, you can craft your own weapons, but for that you need to reach tier 3, upgrade with credits, vouchers AND artifacts a mark 1 weapon so you reach mark 4 level, then go to invasion and farm for crafting materials, and finally, you will get a mark 5 gun, which is the top atm.


Take in mind that mark 1 to mark 3 guns have the same graphic mode, and mark 4 - 5 show an “upgraded” model of the gun. The effects are just in numbers. Each superior mark is slightly better than the previous one. In fact, the best improvement is from mark 1 to mark 3. Mark 4 and mark 5 doesn’t give you that much bonus. But they look cool :smiley:

Ahh ok, so I can keep using Lynx tackler in T5 by constantly upgrading it?


So it’s not like War Thunder where planes/tanks are limited to tiers and you can only use planes from specific tier for that specific tier?

Ahh ok, so I can keep using Lynx tackler in T5 by constantly upgrading it?


So it’s not like War Thunder where planes/tanks are limited to tiers and you can only use planes from specific tier for that specific tier?


Nono you got it wrong. It’s like War Thunder, but with more upgrades and customisation. In WT you don’t have a lot of build options. Here you’ve got plenty to do with the same ship, specially on higher tiers tho. In tier 1-2 you can’t do all that much. 


P.S. for Koro: This is what i was talking about when discussing the mentorship program. 

Once your Lynx reaches a certain synergy level, you’ll unlock the next ship after it. You have to keep changing ships to stay competitive. Ships of higher ranks start to gain more active module and ship modifier slots. More modules will also be introduced in higher tiers so you can only equip them onto ships of the appropriate tier. 


And a bit of shameless advertising: you might want to check out the [tackler guide](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23199-tackler-tackler-101-introductory-handbook/?p=266690) too.

Thanks guys. 


But, we do have a tackler type ships and T5 as well?  (I don’t have an access to do the game now so i can’t check).

Yep we do, don’t worry, you’ll get there sooner or later. Btw, welcome, have fun.

Thanks guys

Another question, I have a rank 2 ship, but when I play PVP it says I’m being placed in rank 13-15 match. Is that  a bug?

Do you happen to have a Tier 5 ship in your lineup? Or do you have a squadmate with a T5 ship?

Another question, I have a rank 2 ship, but when I play PVP it says I’m being placed in rank 13-15 match. Is that  a bug?

This is a display bug.



I want to upgrade my Rank 2 frigate’s weapons the second time, but only option is to buy it with money (galactic standards). Is that how it is for the rest of the game (one upgrade with credits and then all with GS)?

Apart from using gold standards:


White to green → credits or green upgrade kits

Green to blue → loyalty points

Blue to purple → artifacts or purple upgrade kits

Apart from using gold standards:


White to green → credits or green upgrade kits

Green to blue → loyalty points

Blue to purple → artifacts or purple upgrade kits




How do i get loyalty points/purple-green upgrade kits?


Also, when we fight in PVP matches, are all players placed in one Tier (so ranks 1-3 fight each other, 4-6 each other, etc)?

Loyalty points are earned when you complete contracts (check the Contracts tab in the hanger). At the end of a match where your team wins, you’ll get to pick up some loot; you may find upgrade kits there. 


AFAIK Tier 1 ships can only fight against other Tier 1 ships. I’m not sure if there is tier mixing in T2.

Loyalty points are earned when you complete contracts (check the Contracts tab in the hanger). At the end of a match where your team wins, you’ll get to pick up some loot; you may find upgrade kits there. 


AFAIK Tier 1 ships can only fight against other Tier 1 ships. I’m not sure if there is tier mixing in T2.

Oh, they mix alright. If you have a skill rating above 1200, I think it is, and fly T1 ships, you get to face T2 ships, too. That’s what it was when I played T1, anyways. I’ve got the feeling it’s the same, still.

Another question: 


If I have leveled up my Rank 1 ship and now I have like 60 000 synergy associated with that ship. If I transfer that synergy for GS to another ship, will that affect level reached of the original ship?


Also, if I sell a ship with a lot of synergy, do I get it back?

Another question: 


If I have leveled up my Rank 1 ship and now I have like 60 000 synergy associated with that ship. If I transfer that synergy for GS to another ship, will that affect level reached of the original ship?


Also, if I sell a ship with a lot of synergy, do I get it back?

You can only take synergy off of ships that have max level already. You can’t de-level a ship, no matter what.


That includes if you sell it.



Use selling ships only for really immediately needed credit purposes, like a loan; instead of selling, keep the ships you fully synergized and don’t want to fly anymore empty in your hangar; remove all modules on it, so you can use them on other vessels.

If you have completed a lower tier (like synergized all ships on all factions completely), you might not want to return to, you might also want to sell / salvage those items. Most people only keep a couple T2 ships; while it is currently wise to keep T3 up and running, since it’s the most active tier. It will make sense later once you reached your item limit in the armory… :slight_smile:


Selling ships is a feature added because so many people asked about selling them, but ultimately, it does not make much sense to sell them. Your credit income at one point will become so positive, you will not rely on those credits in the long run.


Not sure if sold ships count to the fleet strength, if they do, selling does not hurt you otherwise tho. Rebuying them does not reset their synergy.

You get an extra % of synergy calculated on your fleet strength (total ships with max synergy), it makes therefore sense in the long run to completely synergize ships.


Also: you might wanna safe your artifacts and loyalty for T3+, but i would advice against spending it on T1 ships, but ultimately its your choice.


And: welcome, have fun :slight_smile:

Never sell a ship. When they are fully synergized they count towards your fleet strength. More fleet strength means more synergy per game.


If you sell them, you will lose fleet strength.