New Player to Star Conflict

HI all!


I am a new player. I am an MMO veteran since the year 2000. Started off playing original Everquest and then went on to the likes of Star Wars Galaxies, Everquest 2, World of Warcraft, Tera Online, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Rift Online, Elder Scrolls Online (hated it), and several free to play games. 


My question is is this the type of F2P game that is pay to win? Would it be enjoyable for a casual gamer that plays from 8pm EST to whenever? I’d like to meet some friends and find a Mentor for this game. Anyone willing to help out? Would just need hints and suggestions as far as what to do, etc etc. I did the first PVE mission earlier today and had the most fun i’ve had playing MMO’s in a very long time. 


Any help/suggestions is highly appreciated =)



Welcome to the game, even though this is a lobby shooter and not an MMORPG like the ones you’ve been playing. It’s Pay2GrindMassivelyLess with a tiny bit of pay2win in tier 3 (many of the best ships in class in that tier are premium ships, but that’s more bad game design - the ship tree needs a rework - than a common theme).

Suggest you join a corp. I’m not sure if there are any n.oob friendly corps in your time zone but just ask in chat if you can join a corp and you’ll find out.

Ahh ok. That’s too bad about the pay2win ships. That may have just turned me off. I’ll give it another go with Corp’s tonight. Thanks for your honest reply =)

HI all!

I am a new player. I am an MMO veteran since the year 2000. Started off playing original Everquest and then went on to the likes of Star Wars Galaxies, Everquest 2, World of Warcraft, Tera Online, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Rift Online, Elder Scrolls Online (hated it), and several free to play games.

My question is is this the type of F2P game that is pay to win? Would it be enjoyable for a casual gamer that plays from 8pm EST to whenever? I’d like to meet some friends and find a Mentor for this game. Anyone willing to help out? Would just need hints and suggestions as far as what to do, etc etc. I did the first PVE mission earlier today and had the most fun i’ve had playing MMO’s in a very long time.

Any help/suggestions is highly appreciated =)

its not really pay to win- its mostly skill but premium ships have more speed, ship modifier slots and all those stuff ex. An intercepors in t1 has no engine slots but premium ships may have a slot for engine. That kind of stuff. And from what i heard of open space, im afraid its going to be more pay to win

its not really pay to win- its mostly skill but premium ships have more speed, ship modifier slots and all those stuff ex. An intercepors in t1 has no engine slots but premium ships may have a slot for engine. That kind of stuff. And from what i heard of open space, im afraid its going to be more pay to win




This game is skill(good team)2win, not p2w.

There are premiums better than standard ships but that matter only if both pilots have same skill :crazy:



This game is skill(good team)2win, not p2w.

There are premiums better than standard ships but that matter only if both pilots have same skill :crazy:

-_- thx tillo

If you feel like you want to have a challenge, try entering Behemoth. Add Top. If he’s still online, then we’ll be glad to test you for entrance. Elsewise, look for one of our members in battle. 

They will have [behem] at the end of their names.

Thanks to all the welcomes and information. I think i could get pretty good at this game without any premiums. Tutorial was easy as well as the first PvE mission. I know it gets harder though but so far it’s alot of fun. Great graphics, the gameplay is smooth and targeting is spot on. I’ve been looking for a sci-fi game for awhile. Tired of all the fantasy MMO’s. ESO was horrible (imo).

Welcome to the game!

Thanks to all the welcomes and information. I think i could get pretty good at this game without any premiums. Tutorial was easy as well as the first PvE mission. I know it gets harder though but so far it’s alot of fun. Great graphics, the gameplay is smooth and targeting is spot on. I’ve been looking for a sci-fi game for awhile. Tired of all the fantasy MMO’s. ESO was horrible (imo).


First of all, it’s worth mentioning that even though right now this is not an MMO, as it has instance based combat and no open world, the mentioned open world comes soon™.

Second, it’s not pay 2 win in the sense that you get by very well without paying, in some cases premium ships have an advantage due to more meta-favorable slot distribution (every ship has a different slot distribution, looks random to me, but favoring heavily the empire side), in others it’s the standard ships that are superior (the infamous Styx). At max synergy they are in theory equally strong, only the mentioned slot distribution and ship specific bonuses are the difference.

Welcome!    :fed015:

This game is more akin to Warthunder or World of tanks than a typical Fantasy MMORPG.


This is a MMO Arena, not a RPG. Just pew pew pew.


Even when they launch the open space, it will be just a BIG pve/pvp place. But you don’t have character development. It is all about ship fits.


Also, there is no pay to win. The problem is that in T3, the top rank main line ship for almost all races is a premium one, which is better than the standard ships, but not because it is premium, but because it has more rank than them.


All other tiers won’t suffer this, and premium ships are just cash cows, but not better. In fact in T4, almost all rank 12 ships are much better than their premium counterparts.

But you don’t have character development. It is all about ship fits.


Maybe you could count the implants/ship unlocks as character development? Anywho yes it’s a World of Tanks kind of game, with a lot more complex “vehicle” customization. In WoT you just unlock better gear for each tank and you buy it, equip it, no choice really, maybe in some situations you can choose between 2 different guns, but not really. Here…i have about 700 hours played and I’m still doing ship fittings to see what’s more fun/what works best. And that’s only on fighters. I still have to properly play with interceptors/frigates. 

I tried to play last night but my Wireless Router has been acting crazy not to mention we only get 3mbps download shared between my wife’s alienware i got her for christmas and a roku 3 player and my desktop, plus 2 smartphones. I need better interwebz and wireless router for sure. I did notice in part 2 of my pve tutorial i was getting overwhelmed by ships attacking me that the mission kept failing. I was supposed to take out their towers but wasn’t able to fast enough. Suggestions? I may get a premium ship if i need to. No big deal. I make money so… this is my entertainment. Not really much different than renting a movie or going to the movies, etc etc you get the gist.

I tried to play last night but my Wireless Router has been acting crazy not to mention we only get 3mbps download shared between my wife’s alienware i got her for christmas and a roku 3 player and my desktop, plus 2 smartphones. I need better interwebz and wireless router for sure. I did notice in part 2 of my pve tutorial i was getting overwhelmed by ships attacking me that the mission kept failing. I was supposed to take out their towers but wasn’t able to fast enough. Suggestions? I may get a premium ship if i need to. No big deal. I make money so… this is my entertainment. Not really much different than renting a movie or going to the movies, etc etc you get the gist.

u only have t1, dont buy a t1 premium u will regret it trust me, besides that pve isnt supposed to be easy, even t5 have trouble completing it. Try playing pvp this game is multiplayer ya know :taunt:

didnt have PVE tutorial when i started I think. atleast i dont remember it. but PVE is just plain hard … best is to squad up if it lets you. try asking in global chat - might get a kind soul who could T5 it for you XD

PvE is best left until you have T2 ships. You really need a good Engineer to get you through PvE unless you have some seriously high-skill pilots backing you up.


As to P2W… that happens at Tier 3. Seriously, all the best T3 ships are DLC exclusives or GS (ie: real money) only. The Styx is probably the only F2P ship in T3 that can compete; with everything else, the top ships will cost you real money.


Funnily enough, that isn’t the case so much in Tiers 1, 2 or 4. T5 has only one GS ship and it’s nowhere near the best, but T3 is where the bulk of the action is (or was - recent changes seem to have pushed people down to Tier 1 and Tier 2…) and so the P2W attitude is really obvious there.

PvE is best left until you have T2 ships. You really need a good Engineer to get you through PvE unless you have some seriously high-skill pilots backing you up.

As to P2W… that happens at Tier 3. Seriously, all the best T3 ships are DLC exclusives or GS (ie: real money) only. The Styx is probably the only F2P ship in T3 that can compete; with everything else, the top ships will cost you real money.

Funnily enough, that isn’t the case so much in Tiers 1, 2 or 4. T5 has only one GS ship and it’s nowhere near the best, but T3 is where the bulk of the action is (or was - recent changes seem to have pushed people down to Tier 1 and Tier 2…) and so the P2W attitude is really obvious there.

i thought kite, wolf-m and prometheus x r pretty decent

So Mauler isn’t near best? it’s average or bad?


I think ship with best dps in game can be counted as one of the best…

As to P2W… that happens at Tier 3. Seriously, all the best T3 ships are DLC exclusives or GS (ie: real money) only. The Styx is probably the only F2P ship in T3 that can compete; with everything else, the top ships will cost you real money.

That is some nonsense

PromX, Kite, Anaconda-M, Black Swarm, Kris AE, Ricasso, Ira Deus, are awesome and irreplaceable ships by premiums