New Player Looking for Corp (EU)

Hello People!


I know I’m a little behind the times, but I just recently started playing and have got a little hooked on this game…


I reside in the UK, and like to play during weekday evenings and during the weekend. Due to work & RL commitments I would class myself as a casual, but not so casual as to not want to win.


So, is there any Corps around that would have a space open for me (I have TS and a mic)?


Look forward to playing with you Guys!

Welcome to the game !


What kind of Corp are you looking for ? Casual or Pro ? Also, giving out more information about your in-game profile and your stats would help you attract more attention :slight_smile: As for TeamSpeak, the official server is, most corp have their channel there in the bottom of the page.


Good luck !

Gates of Darkness would gladly have you :slight_smile:  Here is our corp’s thread if you want to know more about us: [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23603-gates-of-darkness-igodi/)


Otherwise just pop by our TS server: and message someone down in the Star Conflict channels (it is originally a server for BSGO that we share with them).

Welcome to the game !


What kind of Corp are you looking for ? Casual or Pro ? Also, giving out more information about your in-game profile and your stats would help you attract more attention :slight_smile: As for TeamSpeak, the official server is, most corp have their channel there in the bottom of the page.


Good luck !


Bit of a mix between casual & HC to be honest (being awkward I know, sorry! :frowning: ). I wasn’t able to give profile info as was at work when I posted originally, but some stats as of now:


Total PVP Battles: 9

Total PVP Wins: 7 (5 being the longest streak)

Pilot Rating: 1110 (honestly, I don’t know if that is any good tbh).


Hopefully that information is what is requested.


Gates of Darkness would gladly have you :slight_smile:  Here is our corp’s thread if you want to know more about us: [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23603-gates-of-darkness-igodi/)


Otherwise just pop by our TS server: and message someone down in the Star Conflict channels (it is originally a server for BSGO that we share with them).


I’ll pop into your TS this evening and see if anyone is available to chat, I appreciate the invite. :slight_smile:


Thanks for the responses thus far.

I can teach you some good BtS stuff having to do with options, keybinds and stuff if you join GoD. Also if you are a new player I suggest you look at some of my “CDB Academy” videos on YouTube.

Currently I’m working on a redo script that deals with charging mechanics and a script tha talks about explosive damage.

I can teach you some good BtS stuff having to do with options, keybinds and stuff if you join GoD. Also if you are a new player I suggest you look at some of my “CDB Academy” videos on YouTube.

Currently I’m working on a redo script that deals with charging mechanics and a script tha talks about explosive damage.


Thanks for the reply, I’ll have a gander at your videos when I get home (after work :frowning: ).


I popped onto the GoD TS yesterday evening, but unfortunately nobody appeared online, and when I clicked the link in the GoD recruitment thread it had some silly advertising link (I think that a free £1,000 voucher to my local supermarket is too good to be true :wink: ) so I couldn’t view the website.


I’ll give it a try this evening and see how it goes. :slight_smile:

I popped onto the GoD TS yesterday evening, but unfortunately nobody appeared online, and when I clicked the link in the GoD recruitment thread it had some silly advertising link (I think that a free £1,000 voucher to my local supermarket is too good to be true :wink: ) so I couldn’t view the website.


Oh sorry about that.  That link was to our old website, it’s been a while since I updated the thread


Yeah the problem is, when you come on TS for the first time you have no permissions, so you can’t move and you can’t even see all the other people on the server :confused:  I’m not sure who set it up like that.  Maybe contact someone in-game at the same time, for example me: millanbel; our CEO: xevilxGodlike; YuriVonFluri who is online very often also.

Or contact me

IGN: Efefay

Or contact me

IGN: Efefay


Or Efefay XD

Hmmm, you sound like you might be a good fit for RadiX.


We are a mixture of HC and casual with plenty from each group. We are largely european and are pretty active. You are pretty new so i’d need to squad with you a little and so would some of the other officers. 


We require mumble also.


To apply, message DefterAI, ErikErikson, myself, OniMeno, or Metzombie. 

Hmmm, you sound like you might be a good fit for RadiX.


We are a mixture of HC and casual with plenty from each group. We are largely european and are pretty active. You are pretty new so i’d need to squad with you a little and so would some of the other officers. 


We require mumble also.


To apply, message DefterAI, ErikErikson, myself, OniMeno, or Metzombie. 


I was wondering when you would show up :smiley:

mmmmh was hesitant at first. noticed he joined EoD anyways. 

mmmmh was hesitant at first. noticed he joined EoD anyways. 


Thanks for the kind offer, but as you said I have joined EoD. After playing a few rounds with them (they were kind enough to play some lower tier with me) and speaking with them on TS, I really enjoyed it and feel like I made a good choice.


As I’ve found a Corp, this thread may aswell be locked/closed.

OP found a corporation, as per user request this thread is locked.