new patch flares

in the new patch it says flares now mess with jericho missles. but how so… at what range?? how do they “effect” the jericho missle. these are the things i need to know.

I’d assume within “missile incoming” message range. It makes the user blind and unable to control their missile for about 2 seconds, then they continue on. In short if you’re going to use flares against them make sure you know where the missile is and if it’ll help, otherwise you may just be wasting flares for nothing. A lot of players recently have been slamming their flares button as soon as my missile is anywhere in the vicinity, it really doesn’t help if they don’t know where I am. Some older players with clan tags from older clans can really screw my missiles up though.

I will say this, 90% of the time people use flares I’m aiming for the guy further behind them anyways (outside close quarters combat).

i understand flares and when to pop them. but id like to know the range. lets say the flare only works at 500m and not 1000m? how long is the missile stunned  is it enough time to pop flare boosts up thus making the missile miss and have to arc around? sooooo much info left out.

i understand flares and when to pop them. but id like to know the range. lets say the flare only works at 500m and not 1000m? how long is the missile stunned  is it enough time to pop flare boosts up thus making the missile miss and have to arc around? sooooo much info left out.


Sorry I couldn’t say the exact range but I do know it’s enough so if you have momentum already and turn towards it you should be able to get around it (as long as you keep some distance and dont drive straight past it). So basically towards it but 550m to the side.

yea ive been trying to test it out using it seems to work well. but im getting varied results. so i tried popping it late seemed to hit way behind me. popped it early and seemed to hit dead center so ill do some more testing but its kinda hard in game XD


The missile just ceases.  Its like it poofs into the ether.  Its silly OP too.  Think about it, an entire line of ships stopped dead by an item anyone can equip.  To my knowledge there is no other item in the game that is as brutally effective at completely shutting someone down.

If you are flared when flying the missile, you lose control of the missile for about 3 seconds, the screen go’s black (Static).

then you recover it. This change is excellent, and i highly support it.


Although, i feel all abilities for frigates should be group-based support skills.


for example, i would like to see jerico frigates gain an ability something like as follows


Defensive Shielding

Grants all allies in 1500 meters a bubble, absorbing all damage for 3 seconds, and increasing shield regeneration by 625% for 6 seconds (3 during, 3 after bubble). 90 second cool down

If you are flared when flying the missile, you lose control of the missile for about 3 seconds, the screen go’s black (Static).

then you recover it. This change is excellent, and i highly support it.


Although, i feel all abilities for frigates should be group-based support skills.


for example, i would like to see jerico frigates gain an ability something like as follows


Defensive Shielding

Grants all allies in 1500 meters a bubble, absorbing all damage for 3 seconds, and increasing shield regeneration by 625% for 6 seconds (3 during, 3 after bubble). 90 second cool down

They would then lose the ability to defend themselves IMO which is a bad thing. They could bring heavy lasers back into tier 2 and sniping might not be a problem anymore.