New Mode: Gate Race

In this new mode, found under the “Brawls” option in the general rotation, 2-8 players would be pitted against eachother in a free-for-all race with no join-ins.

The races will take place on normal maps in a random selection, where gates have been placed in space to create a sort of “race track” for pilots to test their skills on. Each player will be given the same rank 1 ship with a speed of 500m/s and 700m/s afterburners and a high rotation speed, and uniform stats. Because energy will be focused on engines, afterburner energy will be scarce and regenerate very slowly, so afterburners will be a rare luxury meant for sharp turns or catching up to the other pilots if you fall behind. Boosters will spawn randomly around the track that will give temporary boosts, or give you countermeasures to slow or distract enemies for a short time. (In single-use modules.) Each race will be comprised of 3 laps around the track where each pilot is required to fly through the gates in order to progress. The next gate will be highlighted for each pilot to avoid confusion. If the ship is destroyed by collision or enemy damage, it is instantly respawned at the last gate that it passed through.

Winning a race will be considered a great accomplishment and be rewarded accordingly. Winning a race in a record time will be rewarded with even more valuable prizes.


Ship : (Given to players who play the mode so that they can customize its appearance.)

Name: FX-01 Arrow

Type: Racing Ship

Rank: 1 (To prevent Implants from working)

Shield: 2500pts

Shield regen: 500pts/s

Hull: 1000pts

Hull regen: 250pts/s

Energy: 500pts

Energy regen: 100pts/s

Afterburner use: 250pts/s

Speed: 500m/s

Max speed: 700m/s

Manuvering speed: 175deg/s

Weapon mounts: 1

Active Modules: 3

Tooltip: A specialized racing ship that cannot be flown in PvP (can be used in OS and Gate Race only). Can be given new paint and skins. Can choose several different primary and secondary equipment.



Primary weapons:  Can be equipped in the weapon slot and are used as decoration. All deal very little damage and can be modified with the ammo slot.


  • Spectral Laser : Fires a laser at the crosshairs that can be colored with ammo. (Default: White)


  • Shattering Crystal : Launches a ball of brittle crystal at the crosshairs that breaks in to several pieces on impact or max range. (Ammo changes crystal type. Green/blue/purple/Vulpanium/etc)


  • Plasma Missile : Launches a plasma missile that homes in on the locked target and deals splash damage. (Ammo changes explosion effect. (Small, shattering, large, lingering cloud, etc.)


  • Rail Blaster : Fires a fast and flashy bolt at the crosshairs. (Ammo changes effect: Lens-flare/explosion/after-image/etc)


  • Paintball : Fires a paintball at the crosshairs to cover enemy ships with paint. (Ammo changes color)



Secondary Equipment: Can be equipped in the missile slot and are used as decoration. All deal no damage.


  • Flare : Fires a single flare straight up. (Default available to all pilots for free. Colored variants can be used.)


  • Firework : Fires a single rocket straight up that explodes in to random colors.


  • Smoke Trail : Leaves behind a trail of dark smoke for a few seconds.


  • Flaming Engine : The engines emit cool looking flames for a few seconds.


  • Confetti : Confetti explodes from the ship.




Boosters: Spawn randomly around the track. Some will be directly in the track, and some will appear off to the side by a distance.


  • Traffic Sattelite : Drops a blinking sattelite on the track that enemies must avoid crashing in to.


  • Shot-Flares : Projects a dazzlingly bright spray of flares towards the rear of the ship.


  • Slowing Gate : The next gate will temporarily disable afterburners for the next enemy to pass through.


  • Raid Beacon : Attracts pirates or aliens to the track to distract enemies. (They deal extremely low damage and fire very weak missiles.)


  • Fox Flare : The closest enemy is tormented by a rapidly orbiting orange flare for several seconds.


  • Phantom Missile : The targeted enemy’s missile warning goes off for several seconds.


  • Warp Portal : Creates a portal in front of the ship that teleports it forwards by 750m then vanishes. Enemies can use this portal too.


  • Nitro Boost : Increases your max speed to 800m/s for a few seconds.


  • Shield : Protects you from the next hit or negative effect.


  • Gravi-Shift : All ships including the user are pushed to one side of the map for a few seconds.


  • Pandora’s Box : Creates a Pandora Anomaly by the track to damage enemies. After several seconds, the Anomaly vanishes and leaves behind a booster.


  • Holorock : Places a holographic asteroid on the track that can be flown through.


  • Acturock : Moves a real asteroid on the track that cannot be flown through.

Excellent idea! And if here ABs are a luxury, how about a sub-mode where you can race at max speed (800 - that you can set yourself from mods, implants and so on) through lines with obstacles. Like in Formula 1 - more or less? All the guns+rockets would be harmless, they would only slow you down, not damage.

2 hours ago, DaCookiez said:

Excellent idea! And if here ABs are a luxury, how about a sub-mode where you can race at max speed (800 - that you can set yourself from mods, implants and so on) through lines with obstacles. Like in Formula 1 - more or less? All the guns+rockets would be harmless, they would only slow you down, not damage.

The guns n stuff wouldn’t be the focus of the mode, as you don’t really “destroy” other ships. You just send them back to the last gate they went through. It’s like in Spaceball where you can shoot at enemies to get them to drop the ball.


Laser would obviously do the least damage. Maybe 550dps just to barely bypass shield regen. Missiles would be more of a finisher and do like 750 damage instantly. Shattering crystal would probably have the highest damage, but would also be the slowest and least reliable. Would have to do more like set up traps with it so enemies would fly in to the shrapnel.