New matchmaking on taking way long for PvP

Developers… U made again a mistake on coding the new matchmaking system. There might be something wrong.

  1. It takes 4-5 or more minutes to get in a match, like it was in the past long time ago, many updates back.

  2. The matches I joined (a few, +/- 5) matches were all like this: Just 2 or 3 pilots on each side. Even if I was choosing to connect to any server. Even on weekend were most of players are online.

  3. Somebody told me U adjusted the matchmaking code to give preference to squads, but there are no players being able to join any match anyway. It takes eternally.

**** CAN U BRING IT BACK THE WAY IT WAS??? PLEASE!!! It was so discouraging the players even disbanded. U guys are xxxx up the game! Stop coding the matchmaking and bring it back the way it was! You guys are xxxx up this game, making it unplayable. I spent lots of money recently believing on the future of the game, but now I’m seeing you purposely killing the game. 


RamboX [BORG]

Less players = more fun for me.

For some reason, when you go 2man squadding it gets you instaQ, solo takes forever.

47 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

For some reason, when you go 2man squadding it gets you instaQ, solo takes forever.

Not always. I had 3 min minimum wait yesterday.

I’m actually not sure this is the MM change or simply the low population.

Solo took me 2-5 min.
Squad games was usually very small, often 2v2 3v3.
Players often joined after the game was almost finished or at the gap between the teams was already too high to turn. 

1 hour ago, ORCA1911 said:

For some reason, when you go 2man squadding it gets you instaQ, solo takes forever.

2 man squad took 3-7 min on the whole weekend for us.
3 man squads simply didn’t worked most of the time.
Often happened that in 2squad we joined after 5-6min into a bigger battles.

keep in mind , each event mostly people are on T3 match and just farming ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

but Match making its a bit strange , you can get 10 loss on a day or 10 win . it was a long time when i see match steel close at the end a 50/50 win/loss at each party .


Here’s a few guidelines that always work for me, never wait for more than a minute, just reQ and, still dont know why, 2man squads got me faster games than other ways did.

I have this problem mainly when queuing solo - waiting time is usually at least 6-7min… But as soon as I squad up I get games within one minute.