New location "Fort Muerto"


Border sector FX-1 has become a haven for pirates of all sorts, who freely call it ‘New Tortuga’. Since the beginning of the Invasion, renegades have organized a complex black market of artifacts and experimental alien technology. And for those who have the money and connections, pirate engineers may well help equip the ship with alien technology.

The last pirate recruitment operation to recruit was successful — in exchange for an official amnesty and a significant amount of credits, the Pirates agreed to steal artifacts and alien technology from their base of operations.


The last pirate recruitment operation to recruit was successful


Not redundant at all >.>


That German accent in the video, though. Lovely.

Why is this location called “Fort Muerto” (Death Fort in Spanish) when the video clearly states the pirates call it “New Tortuga”???



in exchange for an official amnesty and a significant amount of credits, the Pirates agreed to steal artifacts and alien technology from their base of operations.


That makes no sense! The pirates agreed to steal artifacts and alien technology from their own base? And who are “the Pirates”? It sounds like all of the pirates decided to steal from their own base. What? And why would they steal it when they clearly still have access to the base? Why not just a simple exchange without all the ruckus?


I don’t get it.

Why is this location called “Fort Muerto” (Death Fort in Spanish) when the video clearly states the pirates call it “New Tortuga”???






That makes no sense! The pirates agreed to steal artifacts and alien technology from their own base? And who are “the Pirates”? It sounds like all of the pirates decided to steal from their own base. What? And why would they steal it when they clearly still have access to the base? Why not just a simple exchange without all the ruckus?


I don’t get it.

I think they mean “from their base of operations” meaning “based in their base of operations”, which is amazingly convoluted English, but hey, they’re not native English speakers.

Why is this location called “Fort Muerto” (Death Fort in Spanish) when the video clearly states the pirates call it “New Tortuga”???


That makes no sense! The pirates agreed to steal artifacts and alien technology from their own base? And who are “the Pirates”? It sounds like all of the pirates decided to steal from their own base. What? And why would they steal it when they clearly still have access to the base? Why not just a simple exchange without all the ruckus?

I don’t get it.

It is known officially as “Fort Muerto” but pirates call it “New Tortuga” because it is supposed to rub it in to the neighboring star civilizations. The pirates are flaunting that “the man” so to speak cannot touch them and “New Tortuga” is where chaos and lawlessness reigns supreme.

There must be lower level pirates with higher level pirates hoarding all the alien treasure. Obviously these lower level pirates are stupid and don’t realize the value of the alien loot and decide to sell it for credits and amnesty.

Why is this location called “Fort Muerto” (Death Fort in Spanish) when the video clearly states the pirates call it “New Tortuga”???


New Tortuga is Spanish too. I think Pirates are Mexican (at least The Cartel).

New Tortuga is Spanish too. I think Pirates are Mexican (at least The Cartel).


Yes, I am aware of this.


I was just commenting on their choice of “Death Fort” over “New Tortoise”. The former does sound more intimidating, but I kinda like the history behind Tortuga.

mew tortoise?

Yes, I am aware of this.


I was just commenting on their choice of “Death Fort” over “New Tortoise”. The former does sound more intimidating, but I kinda like the history behind Tortuga.


Death Taco would be better.

Furry Pancake.

looks ok. great Things comes with time :slight_smile:

new map again for invasion… good things r getting even more interesting :slight_smile:

Furry Pancake.

I approve

I farmed the heck out of those carriers and found absolutely no artifacts or alien items. Dahell?