new gauss

Is it possible to get the REAL explanation why changes to gauss were so much needed among all other things that could have been changed instead?

Was that weapon possibly broken? OP?

And what is a convenience of players? What does that even mean really?


Im sorry for negativity, but that weapons FEELS weaker. Full change now hurts lot less then it did with old gauss. I can tell then from killing AIs in invasion. They need a lot more to go down.

I see no convenience in current state of gauss. Its just fun weapon messed up for no obvious reasons.


I would suggest but as I have my absolute trust that its not in developments interest or whatever…

Make it that are two variants of gauss… old one and new “rapid one”.

We really must start throwing weapons, we spent lot of time upgrading, out the window because “someone” tought its convenient??


On the personal note: Im having lot less time to play. Coming back to find weapons I love to use, changed because of “convenience” (wich seems like bad excuse) is not very uplifting. Catch the drift.

I’m up for that “make it that are two variants of gauss”

We could have the old one calling it Wardens Gauss and the new one called Legion Gauss.

I support this idea!


2 variants of Gauss Cannon should be made separately!

Loyalty voucher type should differ, depending on the faction’s origin.


Name for this current Gauss Cannon should be changed to: Rapid Gauss Cannon (new one)

                                                                                               Gauss Cannon (old one)

I want the old one back too… even if i don’t use it that much :wink:

Full charge need a buff. Firing charging at approx fire rate of old gauss deal similiar rates of dmg.

Old gauss please!  I like my surprise alpha instead of a laser beam of yellow projectiles.

I’m in favor of the old gauss. Gauss was all about alpha damage, and now it has pretty much lost that mechanic. Most gauss users I see now go for RoF, which is what rails are supposed to be for.


I say revert back to the old gauss, but keep the new charging system.



I’m in favor of the old gauss. Gauss was all about alpha damage, and now it has pretty much lost that mechanic. Most gauss users I see now go for RoF, which is what rails are supposed to be for.


I say revert back to the old gauss, but keep the new charging system.




I hope that in tomorrow’s update, we get to see 2 variants of Gauss Cannon!

I don’t like the idea of two gauss variants. Ever since gauss was added to the game, it has been a weapon designed around the alpha damage mechanic. The RoF change ruined that. If you want a high-RoF kinetic weapon, use assault rails.

2 variants is meant for the "convenience of the (some (who?)) players. So “they” get their and we get our back. Im happy to see so many of you out there agree.


Still waiting for official explanation of “convenience”. Im really interested in this one. :slight_smile:

The thing that I don’t like is how the Gauss essentially renders the assault rail obsolete. I have the same problem with Plasma vs RFB - the weapon overhaul was supposed to make every weapon distinct and different from each other, but we’re seeing an opposite trend now.


I said before that perhaps Plasma Gun and Assault Rails should be swapped. That seems like it would solve the problem, since it would mean our weapon options would look like this:



RFB - Short ranged, high to v.high RoF, lowish damage plasma weapon.

Pulse Laser - Rapid firing, short ranged, reasonably accurate laser.

Shrapnel - Short ranged kinetic “shotgun”

Assault Rail - Medium-high RoF, low-to-mid damage kinetic weapon.



Gauss - Rapid fire, medium range, low-damage kinetic weapon. Can charge up to 8x for superior damage.

Ion - Medium range, medium damage laser that ignores resistance if kept on target.

Bubble - medium range, high damage plasma weapon with very slow projectile speed.

Plasma Gun - high rate of fire, medium damage plasma weapon.


Seems reasonable to me. It means that the choice between RFB or Assault Rail / Gauss or Plasma Gun is more than just a cosmetic thing; it’s actually a choice about damage type, which in turn means you’re better or worse against certain ship types and/or builds.

The thing that I don’t like is how the Gauss essentially renders the assault rail obsolete.


 the weapon overhaul was supposed to make every weapon distinct and different from each other, but we’re seeing an opposite trend now.


Do you even read bro?


The weapon overhaul was never intended to do such a thing. It was intended to make gauss and plasma gun “usable by n00bs”.


The weapons were already distinct from each other before the overhaul.

I meant the overhaul that gave us the current weapons, not last week’s balance change. Back in the day we basically had one big weapon pool all ship types shared.