New forum moderators

Good evening everyone.

The player numbers are increasing every day and we are getting a lot feedback so we will need some more moderators for forum

in the future. But this can be hard work, so if you are active on english forums, you are able to write/speak english fluently and you like to communicate with people all over the world feel free to apply. I will take an eye on everyone who writes an application and after some time I will let you know if you get taken or not.

what should a moderator do?

I would happily apply for a mod job think i already asked about this to you.

Played many games understand rules and when to enforce and report users or give warnings to. Have been a mod on many websites and also co admins a few times :slight_smile:

I am native English and speak fluently in the English language :slight_smile:

what should a moderator do?

A forum moderator needs to take care of the Star Conflict forum.

You need to look

-that every post is posted in the right section.

-members dont break the forum rules.

-and if possible try to answer the peoples questions.

i could try if i had more time, but, u know… college =/

i could try if i had more time, but, u know… college =/

No problem no one will be forced :wink:

Hey Error, are there any prerequisites for becoming a Forum Mod…? Like a minimum post count or anything of that nature…? If not, id love to help you out on here. I visit the forums multiple times daily, and id love to help out all of my fellow players, new and old, to help this game live up to its fullest potential. :slight_smile:

Well you need to spend some time on forum every day, need to be friendly and willing to help other players. We will be watching everyone and on Open beta or release we will decide who we take.

What?!? I have to be helpful AND friendly?!? Pffft! That’s me out then… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

What?!? I have to be helpful AND friendly?!? Pffft! That’s me out then… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

lol, I realy laughted hahaha (not sarcasm)

What?!? I have to be helpful AND friendly?!? Pffft! That’s me out then… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

And you need to be able to speak 10 languages *joke*

:open_mouth: Error! You jokester! You comedian you! You funny bunny! You made me lol. Btw… I speak 11. *joke*

Well, i’m going to go be helpful AND friendly now… I need the practice. *Also a joke(The needing the practice part)* Lol… ^.^

And you need to be able to speak 10 languages *joke*

I speak 4, only 6 to go then…

I present my application:

I’ve been forum moderator, gameadmin, chat moderator and supporter for other free-to-play games, im a huge fan of Star Conflict and I have also a fan page of StarConflict for all players in Spain and Latin America.

I only speak english and spanish, but I’m also trying to learn some Russian, at least understanding the writen Russian, cause I also read latin and greek as a hobby and I like very much the russian grammar and alphabet.

Also, I play Star Conflict better than Error :smiley:

sure you do^^

Well, actually he has defeated me in about 4 to 1, buuuuut with so time “studying” I think he has lost a lot of practice and I would crash him.

I Said. :fed010: