I would like to announce the start of a Star Conflict Ladder Tournament. There are currently 3 divisions: 4v4, 8v8, & 12v12. Come over to http://www.solaris7.org, and get your team set up. This is a Free tournament, and all are welcome. I hope to see you all there!
Rules are subject to change as this is new, and I am sure there will need to be some tweaks, but here are the rules as they stand Now.
1) Challenges
You can challenge up to 5 ranks above your teams current rank. When you make a challenge you must suggest 3 times and dates your team would like to have the match. The Challenged team has the right to suggest 5 Maps with Game Type. The Challenger will then pick 3. Two of these will be the main match games while the third will be the tie breaker.
2) Setting up a Match
A Practice Match will be set up by the Challenged team. This must be password protected. The match type can be any decided upon by the team captains. Once a match type is decided upon it must be played at least twice with each team switching sides each round. If both teams agree the match type can be played for all four games but teams must swap sides after every game.
Teams must agree what Tier Ships they will bring. You can only bring that Tier or lower ships to battle. Anyone caught using a higher tier ship in the match than was agreed upon will disqualify their team for that game and the opposing team gets the win for that game.
3) Number of Players
This will be limited number of players per team. Each team can swap members out between each game as long as those members are on the roster for that ladder. A roster is limited to double the members as are allowed for each game.For example in the 4v4 ladder the team can consist of 8 members.
4) Winning a match
In order to win a match a team must have won 3 games. In the event of a tie (2 games each) then a 5th game will be played. This 5th game must be a game type that has not been played yet on a map that has not been played yet. The game type should be predetermined by the team captains prior to the match starting.
5) Disputes
If there is a dispute of any kind regarding who won a match then a screenshot of the final score screens must be taken. I advise all teams to take screenshots every game as this is your only proof.
If there is a dispute about someone bringing a higher tier ship than was agreed upon a screenshot of the “tab” screen must be taken while hovering over the ship in question so it´s stats are shown. I suggest you have multiple players on your team take the same screenshot.
If there is suspicion of someone cheating then a video is required. Once again I suggest you have multiple players on your team take a video as well. Accusing someone of cheating is serious but is very hard to prove.
I’ve never played a tournament using challenge ladder format and despite being very interesting I foresee problems with getting games going as people struggle with times. Trying to schedule practise matches alone is hard enough I fear a tournament based solely on people challenging each other at moment’s notice will be slow going.
When a Challenge is made the Challenged team has 24 hours to respond. The teams have 5 days after that to play the match. This time can be extended later if it becomes a problem. Also, if there is an issue with the teams scheduling a match within the 5 days an extension can be requested. I can see the trouble with some Clans getting 12 players all the time for a 12v12, but surely you can gather 4 people together for a 4v4 once a week or so.
Also, the Officers of each team will be granted access to an Officers forum so if there are any issues with scheduling they can be worked out in there. I expect a few bumps at the beginning, but once a few matches have been played things will start to smooth out. I am also open to suggestions from the community to help make this a great tournament. The forums over at http://www.solaris7.org are available for these kind of discussions. I have played in many TWL leagues so I know this format works.
If you made it so that teams may only challenge if they have accepted a challenge themselves it would speed things along I believe. Or take turns every alternating week or both ie. challenge - defend - challenge - defend etc.
How do my team handle situations where we receive multiple challenges simultaneously ?
Once a team is Challenged no other team can challenge them until the Challenge has ended either by Forfeit, or Completion. You can Only challenge teams that are higher ranked than you (currently only challenge up 5 ranks above you) so you can move up. So the team in Rank 1 can Only be challenged. If the challenging team wins then they move up to the rank of the Challenged team, and the Challenged team (as well as any teams between the 2) move down 1 rank. A Challenge Ladder is a very Dynamic system. Teams move up and down the ladder all the time. The goal is to get to the top of the ladder, and stay there. I am also planning on having Bracket Tournaments later on, but for now I want to get the Ladder up and running. Once everything is going smoothly with it then I will start looking into the Bracket Tournaments.
I would like to announce the start of a Star Conflict Ladder Tournament. There are currently 3 divisions: 4v4, 8v8, & 12v12. Come over to http://www.solaris7.org, and get your team set up. This is a Free tournament, and all are welcome. I hope to see you all there!