new class idea

At start I vvant to sorry for double “v” in my “vv” but keyboard is a bit broken.
Have an Idea for another ship class idk vvhich category (int/fight)
It could have vveapon count connected vvith special module.
Ship Class : Opressor
Description : Ship has 3 more vveapon turrets than other ships from his sizes. (int 5/ fight 7)
Standart fire is coming out only from fevv of that count (int 2[slovver firerate]/ fight 3)
Special Module : Opression
Unlocks all turrets increasing projectile speed by (depending on class) 10/15% and crit rate by 20/10% for 6 sec.
Active class modules:
1.Hammer Shot - after activation every shot deals 3x damage and slovvs enemy by 30% of max speed for 2 sec but decreases rate of fire by 50%
2.Slide - After activation if ship is not doing any movement, ship makes a slide at actual speed making it able to rotate vvithout changing course for 5 sec. Collision damage decreases by 60% and increases all resistances for 35
3. Anomaly - Infest current target vvith anomaly. No negative effect for the target, but all enemy ship in range of 1500 from it has 60% decreased resistances and regeneration effects. Duration 15 sec.
4. Intelligent Skin - After activation if in 5 seconds ship gets damage from enemy, infests it vvith virus dealing 400dmg per sec for 6 sec, If ship does not take damage after 5 second upon activation, ship recovers 4% of hull till fully recovered OR take damage, 60% of shields instantly and gets 30% speed boost for 5 sec.
Special VVeapons: 
Heater - Beam vveapon, if hold on enemy for 5 seconds makes hostile ship heatet dealing 10% of vveapon damage per 2 sec for 6 sec. Also decreases enemy module reload by 2 sec ( cannot ocure at same target in 40 sec)
Shock Blaster - Rapid fire blaster that every shot (up to 10 times) makes target charged dealing damage to ships in 500 range to get 70dmg (up to 700) per sec for 5 sec.
Puncher - Kinetic vveapon ignoring 60% of shield resistances and dealing 10% damage to hull.

Its just an idea vvith More or less modules/vveapons and stats, but vvhat do ya all think about this one?

Pls don’t change font/background color or font size if it is not needed. Just use the defaults, now it is annoing to read.

yeap) black background makes me sad) 

If I understand right, there would be more turrets on the ships but not all of them functional. And it would be upgrade dependant that how many turrets could fire. I actually like this idea. This would be great for the introduction of a variable firing angle and blind spot ship-build management. I would like to see an option where during battle I could switch between firing modes like these: focus fire to the front (increased damage for attacking), weapon power redirected to the back (in case being chased, front turrets are off or have low dmg.), general all rounder mode where a balanced turret power distribution would be set. 


But increasing the number of turrets have been suggested and discussed several times already. Unfortunately, no matter how epic it may be, the current game mechanics don’t really allow such feature. Not with interceptors or fighters at least. In this case the problem would come from the firing angles, I think. But I could see this work on frigates and destroyers tho


Your numbers with most of your weapon suggestions seem to be too radical. Also many of those effects are already in the game or at least partly available. 

turrets with pilots must be on dreadnoughts ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)


Each ship I believe has a set number of weapons hardpoints, as well as module hardpoints. For example, the Long Range Frigate has 6 hard points, and all of them are occupied. A guard frigate has the same number of hardpoints but only has 4 occupied by weapons. It would be prohibitively costly and time consuming on Gaijin’s part to upgrade each ship’s 3D model to incorporate more weapons hardpoints.


It’s definitely a fun idea though!

33 minutes ago, A30N said:

Each ship I believe has a set number of weapons hardpoints, as well as module hardpoints. For example, the Long Range Frigate has 6 hard points, and all of them are occupied. A guard frigate has the same number of hardpoints but only has 4 occupied by weapons. It would be prohibitively costly and time consuming on Gaijin’s part to upgrade each ship’s 3D model to incorporate more weapons hardpoints.


It’s definitely a fun idea though!


Yes, it would not work with current ship designs. But a completely new class/role could use this idea. Hmm, I think I got something new for cruisers…