New but Daily Player looking for a corp, experience in war thunder



Im a new player, but I am familiar with the controls all ready, and have had plenty of experience in war thunder, if thats relevant. Im using a ship from each of the 3 factions. I’ve got a mic. Mostly done PvP, but want to explore sector conquest and other modes. If ya want any other info, let me know. Also, preferrably an Australian clan, since I live in SA. Mostly flown the first Lynx in the Federation faction, fully upgraded.





Hello and welcome to the forums. Usually, it helps the corporations’ officers and CEOs if the pilot posts a screenshot of his profile, so they can learn a bit more about him.

Good luck with you search.

Roger that, will do as soon as the servers are back online from maintenance!

Heres my current stats:


Hi! and welcome to the game. For sector conquest you need rank 11 ships and above. It is high end content so I think you will be better looking at Tier 2 and tier 3 gameplay videos to learn some tricks and fits before thinking of joining high end content.


I recommend you to take a look at the videos section in this forum for gameplay videos. There you have some good gameplay videos with different ships and builds by Sephiroth, Terrorblade, Tillowaty, Maximum, myself and others.

Also check out the tackler guide by Jacxis if you havent already. See you in space… If i let you.

Hi! and welcome to the game. For sector conquest you need rank 11 ships and above. It is high end content so I think you will be better looking at Tier 2 and tier 3 gameplay videos to learn some tricks and fits before thinking of joining high end content.


I recommend you to take a look at the videos section in this forum for gameplay videos. There you have some good gameplay videos with different ships and builds by Sephiroth, Terrorblade, Tillowaty, Maximum, myself and others.

Ok, will do. Shame Ill have to wait a while before I can join sector conquest :frowning:

Im guessing that im not going to get invited into a corp until im higher level. Ah well, ill fight on!

Im guessing that im not going to get invited into a corp until im higher level. Ah well, ill fight on!

There are training corps where you will fit even if you have just joinied the game. Just ask in the global chat, or just talk with people you see playing with corp tags.

There are training corps where you will fit even if you have just joinied the game. Just ask in the global chat, or just talk with people you see playing with corp tags.

Thats what I was thinking, but I figured I could talk to or get invited to some better clans through the forums :stuck_out_tongue:

Thats what I was thinking, but I figured I could talk to or get invited to some better clans through the forums :stuck_out_tongue:


Better clans will usually demand minimum of T3 ship lineup, so you’ll have to wait a bit.

I beleive the [Lamp] Lampshadus Academy is a corp devoted to teaching new players. Try them. 

Better clans will usually demand minimum of T3 ship lineup, so you’ll have to wait a bit.

Yea, thats what I figured.

But if you can keep up the win/loss, you will be welcomed at any corp! :yes_yes: I personally would love to play with someone with a constant 5+ w/l.

But if you can keep up the win/loss, you will be welcomed at any corp! :yes_yes: I personally would love to play with someone with a constant 5+ w/l.

Well, ive had another 4-5 games since then tonight, and my W/L is down to 2.33, but that’s because of my team. I wish they showed K/D. 75% of the time though, ive been the player with the most kills.

Well, ive had another 4-5 games since then tonight, and my W/L is down to 2.33, but that’s because of my team. I wish they showed K/D. 75% of the time though, ive been the player with the most kills.


Over time, it won’t be your team. Your team is changing, the constant is you. But keep up!

Welcome to the game ! I would also suggest you take a look a lampshadius Academy as they help new comer in the game. Add me to your follow list in game and hook me up when you see me, I could also help you or answer some of your questions or even play with you in a squad in any tier if I am free of course ! :slight_smile:

While most corporations will just require you to have high enough tiered ships to join them and will have strictly casual recruitment and organisation, this is not the case everywhere. Once you reach a certain level of experience, there are more serious corporations like ours that only look for skilled pilots with experience exclusively, and just having the ships is not enough. But this takes some time. I am mostly interested in pilots with high w/l ratio above all else, which shows that you are probably doing something right (even in lower tiers). I wish you best of luck and lots of fun on your progression, I hope you will enjoy the game.

Cheers all, having great fun so far! Added you sephirothsk :slight_smile:


NVM, it said your friends list was full :frowning:

NVM, it said your friends list was full :frowning:
