New bug, energy bug,

hey i can post a video or something but my ship got 170 energy regen right + i got 20 precent degreased afterburners ability, the afterburners use 140 energy (-24) or something, atleast all is way below 170 energy, so when i use afterburners my ship still gets empty for energy its like, im like the ------ if it says its gonna use 140 energy per second and my regen is 170 regen per second then i dont get it, … and this i see on hull it says (+2430) or something, those hull doesn’t exsist it tells me how much hull i have, i go in combat these + signs doesn’t mean anything, i dont get this + thing or minus thing, so its vierd? someone explain this or i put out video on youtube so u see what i mean cause its bugged… 

oh yea, this is on my anaconda frigate ship, total 900 regen max and 170 regen, my afterburners use 140 minus 20 energy per second, so i dont get how i get empty withouth taking on any passive units, i start loosing it since the very beginning of battle i use the afterburners, and i dont get this + shield and hull, cause those shields and hull is not there when going in combat?

I’m not really sure, but i think, that implants dont work for lower tiers i.e. T3 implants wont work for T2 and T1. If that is the deal, then it make sense, so for example T4 player wont get way better bonuse then others while playing in T1.

no, the implants works for every one for me, but atleast withouth the implant i still got more energy regen than the afterburners use, they use 140 energy, i got 170 regen + some regen stuff, 

no, the implants works for every one for me, but atleast withouth the implant i still got more energy regen than the afterburners use, they use 140 energy, i got 170 regen + some regen stuff, 


Rank 9 Implant won’t work for any ship that is below Rank 9.

If you have a stat say…


HULL STRENGTH         20456 (+9187)


Your ship has 20456 hull strength (NOT 29643).  The green figures just tell you how much of the actual value has been added to the base stats of the ships, wether by implants or modules or whatever.


On the subject of implants, 8D is entirely correct, a ship only gains benefits from implants of equivalent rank and lower.  A rank 8 ship will gain bonuses from rank 7 and 8 implants (and all preceding implants), but not your rank 9 implant.


On to your specific problem: if you look at the yellow figures on your ship, provided  Max Energy Regen is higher than Afterburner Energy Use then your ship will be able to run afterburners continually.  However if you are running modules like the nanobot cloud or the shield generator, they will continually drain energy as well (how much is stated on the module card).  These must also be taken into account.


Hope this helps.

hey i can post a video or something but my ship got 170 energy regen right + i got 20 precent degreased afterburners ability, the afterburners use 140 energy (-24) or something, atleast all is way below 170 energy, so when i use afterburners my ship still gets empty for energy its like, im like the ------ if it says its gonna use 140 energy per second and my regen is 170 regen per second then i dont get it, … and this i see on hull it says (+2430) or something, those hull doesn’t exsist it tells me how much hull i have, i go in combat these + signs doesn’t mean anything, i dont get this + thing or minus thing, so its vierd? someone explain this or i put out video on youtube so u see what i mean cause its bugged… 

The energy regeneration is depending on how much energy your ship has at the moment you are flying. If the bar is empty for 50% the regen is higher.


The green + values are already calculated into the grey ones. They are telling you how much bonus you get from modules/skills/Synergie.


oh wait, its still not fixed , the energy regen is not what it says it is, i can make a video then and post link here

Energy regen is not linear, the peak energy regen is somewhere around 20-30% just like it works in EVE Online aswell.