New Brawl “Beetle in the Anthill”



Pilots! We learned that special competitions are held in some sectors, which have recently become extremely popular among mercenaries of the fringe sectors. They say that during these competitions pilots are temporarily given Alien equipment! According to rumours, the private military company “Helion INC”, founded by retired Armada commanders, is behind the competition. I wonder where and how they were able to capture and modify Alien ships to work with human input? And why do they need pilots who can fight on them?


Want to try and fight on the side of Aliens? You can do that! An experimental brawl “Beetle in the Anthill” is now available.



The brawl is available during the holidays on the following days: Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday.

  • Choose an alien ship to your taste: a heavy destroyer, a fast interceptor, a strong fighter or a durable frigate and fight alone against other pilots on ordinary ships!
  • The player on the Alien ship must destroy the energy generator of the anomaly, or defeat all opponents;
  • The anomaly generator is protected by a shield. The only way to get to the generator is to destroy 2 other generators feeding this shield.
  • Other players must prevent the generator from being destroyed. You need to destroy the player on the Alien ship or hold out for 10 minutes.
  • None of the players can respawn. Ships are selected once per battle
  • Players on ordinary ships do not know which Alien ship was selected before encountering it in battle.

What Alien ships can do

  • All Alien ships have a scanner that shows players even in invisibility and behind obstacles at a distance of up to 1500 meters
  • All Alien ships have a teleportation area of 2000 meters
  • All Alien ships have a 50% reduced control effect time
  • All Alien ships receive only 20% of the effects slowing down the reloading of modules

Also, when hull durability is reduced, Alien ships get additional skills:

  • when durability is reduced to 75%, the Alien ship activates an energy field, which draws energy from opponents and transfers it to the ship.
  • when durability is reduced to 50%, the Alien ship activates an additional shield, which removes all negative effects, and does not allow to impose new ones while the shield is alive
  • when durability is reduced to 25%, the Alien ship activates Overdrive
  • Alien ships are protected from collisions and do not receive damage in collisions

Alien Ships
Interceptor Biomorph
Weapon: Alien blaster

  • Plasma gun with a medium rate of fire. The spread increases from prolonged firing.

Special module: twin alien warp portal

  • Creates 2 interconnected portals ahead of the ship

Active module 1: Alien plasma arc

  • Creates a powerful plasma arc with very high damage

Active module 2: Alien plasma web

  • Applies a powerful plasma web effect to the enemy

Active module 3: Alien active camo

  • The ship becomes invisible to enemy radars

Active module 4: Alien hologram

  • Creates a hologram with the durability of the Alien ship and makes the original ship invisible. Invisibility is not removed by a micro-locator

Fighter Crystallid
Weapon: Alien blaster


Special module: Alien overdrive

  • Increases speed, rate of fire, energy regeneration, lateral speed and rotation. Also removes all control effects. The module’s operation cannot be blocked

Active module 1: Alien pulsar

  • Deals damage to all enemies within range.

Active module 2: Alien launcher

  • Launches rockets in a cone. Only one missile is aimed at each target

Active module 3: Alien long descent

  • Makes the ship invisible for a long time. Shooting and using modules interrupts invisibility.

Active module 4: Alien bilateral portal

  • Activation creates a portal in front of the ship. Repeated activation creates a second portal and links it with the first

Predator frigate
Weapon: Unknown weapon

  • A gun with a high projectile speed and low rate of fire

Special module: Alien temporal anomaly

  • Slows the ship during the preparation phase. Then slows down all enemy ships

Active module 1: Alien pulsar

  • Deals damage to all enemies within range.

Active module 2: Alien EM weapon

  • Launches an unguided projectile that disables enemy ship control systems. Upon the explosion, all opponents in range are completely immobilized

Active module 3: Alien devastator beam

  • Generates a beam in which all enemies take damage. Damage increases if the ship is attacked.

Active module 4: Alien virus

  • When activated, the enemy begins to fire at his allies. Weapons and modules are locked for the duration of the effect

Hunter Destroyer
Weapon: Unknown weapon

  • A gun with a high projectile speed and low rate of fire

Special module: Alien energy router

  • Redistributes energy flows in ship systems, allowing you to increase speed, damage resistance or increase damage from guns and modules

Active module 1: Alien pulsar

  • Deals damage to all enemies within range.

Active module 2: Alien beam disintegrator

  • Creates a drone that charges for a short time. The drone can be killed. If the drone is successfully charged, then it releases a powerful beam, dealing thermal damage

Active module 3: Alien torpedo launcher

  • Launches torpedoes that are aimed at opponents. 2 torpedoes are aimed at one target

Active module 4: Alien gravitational generator

  • Generates an anomaly that pulls all opponents. Then the anomaly explodes — pushing everyone away at a very high speed

It finally happened. Fox got his Hunter

new brawl mode needs fixing, alien player always wins.

Yes, this gamemode is literally unplayable. 


The alien ships are completely unstoppable if the player is not braindead. If he has a remote wish to do the objective there is nothing the players can do whatsoever.


This basically resulted in most players just disconnecting unless they become alien, making it unfun for everyone.
Also given that this gamemode populates most of the brawl schedule, it’s pretty lame. I think it should be removed or reduced to 1 or 2 days until it’s been rebalanced and some fun is added.

People DC just to fly alien ship yes.

It’s slightly better when people know how to use engineer, repelling modules.

But mostly the alien ship can just fly right up to people and shoot them until they pop, or do the same for the objectives.


We have stopped a few of them who spent too much time trying to shoot at fast ships and then struggled to kill objective because of our engineers.


Seed chips being active in that mode would be interesting, though I think they’d ironically be too powerful if everyone had them.

1 hour ago, RennieAshII said:


Seed chips being active in that mode would be interesting, though I think they’d ironically be too powerful if everyone had them.

One player with proper seed chips can already have the same damage output, than a full 12 man team without the. Allowing them would just reverse the current situation and make the Players OP. IMO that mode should just have been balanced around a smaller match size (not that it is balanced at all currently), this would also give more players the chance to play as alien.