New Alien Hybrid gunship SERIOUSLY need a nerf

That gunship is way too powerful. It got burst DPS and healing. Plus it’s almost alien. That is way too powerful.

Please devs, nerf it even before it comes out.

P.S. Thread prepared for next week.

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Am i missing something? Did all of you construct the cabin?

haha rofl

1 hour ago, ORCA1911 said:

Am i missing something? Did all of you construct the cabin?

Well, no need to craft it to see that’s it’s obviously far more powerful than a standard ship. 


Don’t forget one thing : you can can have ALL the tree equipped on the ship at the exception of one special module, one defensive passive, and one offensive passive. 


But let’s be honest at r15 :

15 freaking slots.

 10k shield (same as Jericho Jericho)

11k hull (!! spark have 8300 Hull) 

Maximum speed of 400 (365 for Rockwell,  come on guys) 

And let’s not talk about insane energy strafing and rotation speed. 

Ah and I didn’t even count the “15% hull/shield strength bonus”. 


It even has the 7% damage bonus that Empire has (+ the 8% damage bonus for Gunships, obviously). 

That ship have literally no flaw at all. It’s just much better then any other Gunships, in every single way

Are you serious? You haven’t even touched it and you judge it already?

Well let me tell you, I had my hands on it and there are measures that keep it far from being overkill.
Yes it may be the bests gunship in the game, but not by far.

31 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

15 freaking slots. False

 10k shield (same as Jericho Jericho) False

11k hull (!! spark have 8300 Hull)  False

Maximum speed of 400 (365 for Rockwell,  come on guys)  False

And let’s not talk about insane energy strafing and rotation speed.  False

Ah and I didn’t even count the “15% hull/shield strength bonus”.  The only truth, if you chose it.

The ship is based upon customization, you can have the things mentioned above. But not all at once.
Choosing one will inevitably give your ship disadvantages in other areas, it’s no allrounder.

[@OmegaFighter](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/243905-omegafighter/)

This is not exactly right, unless you meant it in a context that you can not have all of that in the same time, because it is well possible to have 15 passive slots or 10k+ hull / shields.

In any case, it is very easy to f-p the rank 15 TharGa through evolution+equipment to a pretty pathetic state, so expect plenty of “TharGa sux please buff”. But ship is indeed strong, but it has to be looked in from a meta perspective and not from a “classic” idea of a balance, don’t forget we have destroyers, darts and Gargulues around as well as Sparks, Mjolnirs and Oreluses.

You need only one buff to get the 400m/s,  which is the r5 motor buff. 

Then take the 2 active modules. 

The 15% strength. 

15% damage buff. 

Here, you’re at 370 points

Then go full hull or shield (2 slots + buffer) for 450


You’re left with 500 points. Which is enough to get 2 caps (+ buffer)  + 2 cpu + 2 motors



Leaving you with a 3 hull 1 shield 3 cpu 2 capacitors 2 motors, 11k hull, 400 m/s


I don’t see how it’s not much better then other ships.  


And I just took the first thing I got in mind. Did not try to optimize it. 


Unless I missed something or did not understand how Ellydium works (but the screenshot in the patch note is pretty much explicit), then that’s it. 

I doubt we will have 15 slots, even if its true they will divide it so one of these would weigh like half of the standard one perhaps, in any case i dont care, i’m simply waiting to see what will happen.

5 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

I doubt we will have 15 slots, even if its true they will divide it so one of these would weigh like half of the standard one perhaps, in any case i dont care, i’m simply waiting to see what will happen.

From what I can understand, at r15 you have 1400 “points” you can spends on different upgrades. 

Each upgrades consumes some points. 


And with 1400 points you can easily get 15 slots, but you may be lacking base stats which you need to increase separately. 


Still, it looks easy to get 12 slots and excellent base stats. 

44 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

[@OmegaFighter](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/243905-omegafighter/)

This is not exactly right, unless you meant it in a context that you can not have all of that in the same time, because it is well possible to have 15 passive slots or 10k+ hull / shields.

I did not mean you can have only one. But you can’t have them all. You can go all tank, you will suffer in offensive / mobility areas. You can go all mobility, you will either suffer in tank or offensive ways, you go all damage. You can’t really go all damage, be tanky as hell and maneuverable. You can be a bit of all yes, but not mastery.

Also that ship has one debuff that no one ever mentioned that’s active all the time…

Don’t believe or reply in a serious way xkost or mecron, they are  justyfing a money milking behave to pay to win towards non existing stats… Just 'cause like that, they  thinks someone, somewhere, will notice them  ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

I would say that discussing something before it is even out is pointless, /closed

Feel free to make a new thread in january, when the ship has been out for a while.