Never-ending Sound Loops - Ship Explosions

Bug report:


When a ship explodes, you hear an explosion. Well, if a swarm of ship explodes, you hear multiple explosions.

However, if you press a Tab key that lets you show your radar, it will also reset those explosions. If you press or spam it multiple times, then you will hear those sounds repeatedly.


Tested only in PvE mode so far, but I assume this bug can be replicated anywhere, anytime.


Conditions - How to replicate this bug:

  • destroy a ship or a swarm of ships

  • sounds will repeat or start at same magnitude as last heard before, if you press a Tab key (Map screen)

  • increased range from the explosion center will not change the sound, even if repeated in a loop (if a loop is already missed, it won’t repeat)

  • you can stack those sounds multiple times, if you repeatedly press or spam a Tab key, especially, if you spam it at a steady rate, you can pretty much loop explosion sound/s


Best PvE scenarios to replicate this bug:

  • Fire Support

  • Defence Contract

  • Pirate Base Raid - 1st or 2nd round (killing one pirate ship is the most efficient to spot the issue)


It’s unclear, if all sound explosion loops are affected or not.


Video: (You can notice a few ship sound explosion loops that occurred repeatedly, even when no ship were destroyed.)


Logs: (I tried to spam a Tab key around 23:17+ / 11:17+ PM)

[2017.08.18](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=15180)