Neo and Bery drops need a change

So i try to farm a bit for the R8/11 dessies but for whatever reason it seems like Neo and Bery farming i kinda a chore (and extremly boring).

From what i have heared new players recieve the parts for an dessie kinda “easy” due of faction rankups. Cus i started this game now nearly 4 years ago i already have 2 factions at R15 and 1 at R11 what is kinda “unfair”(?). During the time dessies where implemented i wasn´t around either but i can live with that cus it was my own fault in this case.

Anyways i started to consider the farming of the materials and i must say… it´s such a pain to gain the neo and bery stuff next to the stupid idea of the need for 2 internal strucs per dessie + the mats that come into play here. 320 neo ore just for an R8 dessie without of the mats you need for the other parts + the monos.

Next to this the totaly useless thing of needing an maxed R8/11 ship that produces tons and tons of “wasted” syn (1 ship with currently 2 mio now). In any case the good old RNGesus is the next insane factor that comes here into play cus even when a mission is won it doesn´t gurantees a neo/bery drop in the acording rank what can lead to 10 missions won and just 3 neo/bery drops in common.

The daily mission… well an “nice” option but only a 1 timer per day. In case of OS i tried diffrent locations/guides and stuff but due the extreme low rate of transport drones you basicly load your cargo and return to the docking base what in the end takes more time then flying PvE FS/DC.

I kinda would more enjoy the farming for those dessies if in terms of an maxed R8/11 win the 1st loot always would be an neo/bery drop instead of hoping for the drop cus then the “goal” would be foreseable when it would be reached… i mean alone for the 3 R8 dessies it needs an insane amount of 960 neo ore. R11 dessies i don´t even consider atm cus there it would be 960 bery + 600 neo (and again not considering the other needed mats for the parts).

I can understand if an dessie should be something “special” but somehow i have the feeling it would take me nearly 3 months + just to build 1 R8 dessie…

Or you can, you know, try open space?


I tried OS and my luck seems rather low, even with suggested map areas/transporters etc. I also tried an “efficent” way of beeing close to a map that should contain neo/bery while 1 or 2 jumps further an transport drone was located… well traveling through the areas is the lesser problem while the NPC can be quite a pain if you are detected and can´t escape from their shoots due of an “normal” speed ship with ~300m/s (with Afterburner).

Most runs i tried out in the different map areas gave me either crap or with much luck 1 neo or bery drop (depending if i fly an R8 or R11 ship i guess). OS is currently “not worth effort” in my eyes or i need an real proof to see that it is way more efficent then doing PvE FS/DC over and over and over again in hope to get 1 drop per run (where R11+ gives me creeps in thinking about it due of most time failure runs with no drop at all then).

I´m willing to accept this OSA thing to see if i maybe find my mistake cus again the guides for transporters, mining spots seem not to work really well for me or i have overseen something so far. In the end the constant annoying so far for me was this eternal back and forth travel between x sectors to fill up my cargo with crap i don´t really need (in combination with no cargo expansion for my R15 Patri/Mamoth) so that it feels even more like a “waste of time”.

I can literally just go outside Mendes and farm a bit to give you either berry or neo, it would take time to prove it but only because there’s not much to do there. Whatever you know about OS, just throw it away/flush it down the toilet. The thing is, what only matters is how fast you can kill and collect while surviving of course. There is no guide except my transport guide and os guide about OS and i know because i went through the whole forum myself to find anything. Beside my guides you will only find “farm sanctuary/scrapyard/terra” and nothing else.

I farm hundreds of materials per week when i have time and one of those items are rare ores which i dont really need so i give them away. I pretty much gave away a few destroyers worth of beries and neos but you have to know that im a OS player by most part and other “OS” players are just in for the kill which is not much to call yourself an OS player therefore don’t listen to what people say, use my guides and go and spend an hour trying it out, see what happens. You may end up rich at best or mediocre at worst, at least it’s a mile ahead of anything you can get in pvp or pve loot with or without premium licence and additional loot chances. There, i said it lol

Seems like you really like open space mode… if I find time and this provides me rather high gain of monocrystals i’d try it out. ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

Well, finding monos is a bit far-fetched but not impossibru, i use OS for materials and build tests at the same time, it’s really fun, putting some ACDC in the mix makes it the best experience ever xd.

Well i have tons of materials but they are useless without monos.

So i did now fly 1 full hour in sanctuary (that seems from all 3 locations the “easiest” to survive long enough) but not an single neo/beryl drop from the big nodes. Cus i have no scanner for R10+ either i don´t know if it would make it better cus i know most of the spots and fly in circle the whole time, dumped a (excuse in advance) shitload of useless stuff into space and searched at least more then 100 nodes over this way (didn´t really counted them in the end).

Then i tried scrapyard and after around 30 mins a biomorph hunter had the idea to kill me (he shot straight at me in cloaked state) so that i can´t really say if it would have been better or not even with the scanner for my R8 tackler.

Don´t know however if it really is just extreme bad luck or anything else but OS doesn´t seem to give an steady income of these mats or if there is any other formula behind it that i don´t have understood so far.

Beryllium/Neodium are rare drops… means really rare. If you don’T have a tackler (fed 11+ Jer 14) you hardly have any chance to stay alive in that sectors if you are alone…

Try full EM-resist + energy regen + accleeration engine + cruise engine… this provides hightest chane to stay alive and then… yeah i think avg. one outta 25-50 is neo/bery.

I can teach you how to avoid NPC’s, also forget about the scanner, it’s not time efficient and ranks don’t affect the gains other than synergy gains per session. I told you to read my guides and avoid suggestions like farm sanctuary/terra/scrapyard for ores.

Well i have given up the project cus it simply is to crazy to achive for my personal sanity.

Normaly i haven´t anything against farming/grinding but if it gets to insane i simply avoid it to go any further. Yet alone i ask myself why star mara can only be done once per day… it´s not so that i gives us the mats like candy.

I think dessies are an money grab idea in terms of the needed mats… i mean what dev came to the freaking idea that it needs 2 internal strucs for a dessie? Wouldn´t have 1 been more then enough or did neo/bery ore drop during the implementing time like nothing to make it reasonable?

I did read your guides and tried to go as close as possible for me but an real accomplishment wasn´t noticable for me cus the gain is way to low. Rare or not it´s just an class i never will fly. In the end what do i want with all this syn on 1 single ship if i can´t transfer it anyways?

We lack of context here. What do you thing, Vesperion, is low amount of neo/berry? 1 ore per hour? 5 ore per hour? 10 ore per hour?

Also i don’t recommend farming alone. Try to find someone else to talk. The spatial scanner has lost its appeal, but hull extender is still a thing to improve ships with a bigger cargo. A recon with 6 slots or a tackler with 8 slots saves trips to the drone.  Instead of farming materials only do the monocrystal missions along with the farming. This way you get 1 monocrystal (4 in total). And don’t rush things. You can’t get a dessie in 1 week.

Either i am soo good that i lost all my sense of the time when i was bad (sarcasm on my tab) or we didn’t understand each other very well here. Farming materials in OS other than monos is dead easy and a lot faster than in other modes, i mean, i would know, where else could i get 7 destroyers apart from events without a dime spent. 

Still, to each their own, i understand how gathering hundreds of parts seems like a tedious thing but i do it with friends, music, or just plain watching tv to keep myself entertained, i like it casual and i take my sweet time as well ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

1 hour ago, ntboble said:

We lack of context here. What do you thing, Vesperion, is low amount of neo/berry? 1 ore per hour? 5 ore per hour? 10 ore per hour?

Well for me the relation between the needed mats and the drop/obtain doesn´t matches at all here.

If now only talk about 1 R8 dessie it needs 320 impure Neo ore (32 neo plates), In case of R11 dessies we talk about 320 impure beryl ore (32 enriched beryl) and 200 impure neo ore (20 neo plates). The R14 dessies i wouldn´t count in now atm cus they aren´t available atm but here we would talk about 360 impure neo ore (36 neo plates), 360 impure beryl ore (36 enriched beryl) and 720 electrum (60 enriched electrum).

And this are the numbers for just ONE dessie. I don´t know if it always required 2 internal strucs (3 in R14 case) or not but again the relation between the need and the drop seems not to match really for me here.

1 hour ago, ntboble said:

And don’t rush things. You can’t get a dessie in 1 week.

According to what i have heared from the corp new players can aquire a dessie (R8 i guess) within of the first 2-3 weeks cus of the ranking missions that give the crafted parts needed for a dessie. Can´t either confirm or deny it from my side cus i´m at R11/15/15 (like mentioned in another post i started the game around 3 years ago (soon 4) and made a break for this timespan where tons of stuff changed and dessies where implemented).

Anyways if i now would go even further here the credit prices for the crafting and stuff are kinda a joke for my feeling cus in the time i have farmed the mats i guess that i would have 100-times more credits (if not even more) then it requires.

So in order to come back to my very starting post here:

On 19.3.2017 at 10:18 PM, Vesperion said:

I kinda would more enjoy the farming for those dessies if in terms of an maxed R8/11 win the 1st loot always would be an neo/bery drop instead of hoping for the drop cus then the “goal” would be foreseable when it would be reached…

I would either prefer of doing PvE/PvP 360 times (if it would give an 360 wins streak) instead of farming for months (currently i´m at the point to even say years) just to craft 1 ship.

On 19.3.2017 at 10:18 PM, Vesperion said:

The daily mission… well an “nice” option but only a 1 timer per day.


3 hours ago, Vesperion said:

Yet alone i ask myself why star mara can only be done once per day… it´s not so that i gives us the mats like candy.

Considering that with R11+ missions tend to fail a couple of time for whatever reason (players die soon after start of the mission, teamplay is an not known word, “preparing” for the next stage (in FS/DC terms) is not present, rushing into the AI is common) i normaly need 20-30 tries just to complete the R11 mission next to the “no loot chance for impure beryl ore” here. I would have found it way better if it could be done multiple times (maybe up to 5 times for the x5 chest like in the shop) instead of this “not really giving something way” + again tons of useless syn that i can´t transfer anyways.

I can life with the “stop whining about it stuff” but like said… the relation doesn´t match at all here.

Vesperion, my advice is you should spend 2 hours farming materials with someone like ORCA1911 in OS and other day spend 2 hours playing PVE/PVP then compare results.

There was an event, when rank14 appeared 6 months ago, which gave us 10 impure neodium or beryllium each day. Enough to build a rank8/rank11 destoyer in some weeks. Something like reaper and Phoenix parts these days. My point is without events running is not easy to build dessies. Focus only on this will get you burned. I know this won’t solve anything, but at least if you plan pushing forward on farming mats for dessies play along other players. It is more fun than playing alone.

Agreed lol 

1 hour ago, ntboble said:

There was an event, when rank14 appeared 6 months ago, which gave us 10 impure neodium or beryllium each day. Enough to build a rank8/rank11 destoyer in some weeks. Something like reaper and Phoenix parts these days

Well this would make the numbers reasonable why they made them so high cus the relation was matching by an daily 10 ore/day.

But this was DURING the event but we don´t have this anymore (or whenever it maybe will return). The point is that they either would need to change the needed internal structs (only 1/dessie) OR make the daily Star Mara reward the same (10 ore/day).

For now this “project” died for me and i will continue with maxing the ships… and when this is done i may not know what i could/should do after this but the dessie project is currently not more of my intrest and if this means that i can´t participate in certain events due of “dessie required” then so be it.

The 2/3 ore for a plate/rod was fine. But this was changed to 10/10, which was bad.
Hopefully the stacking will come. Would make the OS looting less tedious.

The only way to get something you want when you want is with GS. Buying bundles. There is most of the time some event running, now xenos and reaper/phoenix parts. Who knows, maybe some day we will get neodium or berylium again.