Negative Resistance?

How is that possible? Sure my synergy bumps it back up to +8 but still…


Default EM resistance of shields is below zero. 

Which you would’ve seen if you looked at some other ships.

Default EM resistance of shields is below zero. 

Which you would’ve seen if you looked at some other ships.

Thus give extra dmg for the people shooting at me? or does it start from 0. I never heard of a game that starts from -X to calculate dmg.

What I know about resistances is that the negative number makes it so that the damage of that type is more effective than with 0 resistance. So yeah they do more damage.

Thus give extra dmg for the people shooting at me? or does it start from 0. I never heard of a game that starts from -X to calculate dmg.

Same goes for kinetic damage against hull. 

I am now enlightened. thanks.

(Who wants to be the guy to tell him his EM shield resist is -11 after the +19 buff? I sure as hell don’t… waitaminute!)

There are already a lot of topics on that subject. Please provide a link (I can’t search on my smartphone) and close this thread.

To answer your question, though, formula is effective damage = damage / (1 + resist /100)

I never heard of a game that starts from -X to calculate dmg.

The formula I quoted is a classic.

(Who wants to be the guy to tell him his EM shield resist is -11 after the +19 buff? I sure as hell don’t… waitaminute!)

yeah… I realized that after playing around wit the Resistance last night…


HERP derp.