needed changes

  • if there are no ships left (still in combat) the player currently isnt able to play anymore - which is inacceptable, a basic ship should be provided if the player wants to fight immediately again
  • the speed of the afterburner should increase the longer the button is held - currently, it has an absolute maximum which is acceptable but still rather slow – of course, the energy-consumption should also be increased during this
  • there should be some sort of explanation on the weapons about what it actually does and how it looks - for example, people think that “laser” actually means tiny, very fast light-pulses but instead it is a beam - which is of course a bit more logical … but the people arent used to it, no matter how illogical the personal assumption might be
  • players should be able to do stuff while they’re in queue - this includes equipping ships, buying stuff and such
  • the chats should be optionally seperated by language - its rather illogical to put every player in the same chat … create ONE (!) bíg, global chat (which the players would have to enter manually) and MULTIPLE language-chats in which the players are by default – GEOIP and the selected game-language should help selecting the appropriate language-chat
  • there should be a collision-warning a few seconds before the actual collision could happen - sometimes, players like me turn around whil still having momentum … this results in collisions of course and a warning would be nice so i can fire up the afterburner, for instance
  • one needs to PAY for TRAINING?? REALLY??? Make the training a freebie and reduce the reward from it, please - having to pay for it doesnt make any sense at all.

i’ll extend the list once i get to play more … feel free to contribute but limit yourself to what you think would be actually NECESSARY for the game prior to release

additionally, i think i can relate to about every suggestion in this thread - i missed those, please consider them added to my own list :

    1. if there are no ships left (still in combat) the player currently isnt able to play anymore - which is inacceptable, a basic ship should be provided if the player wants to fight immediately again
    1. the speed of the afterburner should increase the longer the button is held - currently, it has an absolute maximum which is acceptable but still rather slow – of course, the energy-consumption should also be increased during this
    1. there should be some sort of explanation on the weapons about what it actually does and how it looks - for example, people think that “laser” actually means tiny, very fast light-pulses but instead it is a beam - which is of course a bit more logical … but the people arent used to it, no matter how illogical the personal assumption might be
    1. players should be able to do stuff while they’re in queue - this includes equipping ships, buying stuff and such
    1. the chats should be optionally seperated by language - its rather illogical to put every player in the same chat … create ONE (!) bíg, global chat (which the players would have to enter manually) and MULTIPLE language-chats in which the players are by default – GEOIP and the selected game-language should help selecting the appropriate language-chat
    1. there should be a collision-warning a few seconds before the actual collision could happen - sometimes, players like me turn around whil still having momentum … this results in collisions of course and a warning would be nice so i can fire up the afterburner, for instance
    1. one needs to PAY for TRAINING?? REALLY??? Make the training a freebie and reduce the reward from it, please - having to pay for it doesnt make any sense at all.

i’ll extend the list once i get to play more … feel free to contribute but limit yourself to what you think would be actually NECESSARY for the game prior to release

  1. that is easily done after u get 2-3 ships and dont rush to your death … i now have interceptor, fighter and frigate … and even my 4th and 5th match when i still had interceptor only i didnt die … then i got my fighter and things become great … we just need to equip systems on ships … repair hull and restore shield modules are the best also as a interceptor u can use the f key to get away fast

  2. agreed with this … but increase it just a little bit more

  3. agreed … the descriptions need more work to provide better info on what they do, how they act

  4. agreeed … its not good that we have to see the search screen all over and not be able to do other things while we wait for a match

  5. agreed and also would be nice if we could see what ppl said before and during a match … ex: i was talking with someone while on a queue and got pulled in a match and could not see after the match if he said or what he said

  6. a warning would be awsome

  7. i actually dont mind that but dont call it training … call it premium bots training or vip bot match or something … or other name not just training … when we hear training its like something that gives little reward than an actual match and it should be a free thing

Thanks for your feedback and keep on testing.

  • if there are no ships left (still in combat) the player currently isnt able to play anymore - which is inacceptable, a basic ship should be provided if the player wants to fight immediately again
  • the speed of the afterburner should increase the longer the button is held - currently, it has an absolute maximum which is acceptable but still rather slow – of course, the energy-consumption should also be increased during this
  • there should be some sort of explanation on the weapons about what it actually does and how it looks - for example, people think that “laser” actually means tiny, very fast light-pulses but instead it is a beam - which is of course a bit more logical … but the people arent used to it, no matter how illogical the personal assumption might be
  • players should be able to do stuff while they’re in queue - this includes equipping ships, buying stuff and such
  • the chats should be optionally seperated by language - its rather illogical to put every player in the same chat … create ONE (!) bíg, global chat (which the players would have to enter manually) and MULTIPLE language-chats in which the players are by default – GEOIP and the selected game-language should help selecting the appropriate language-chat
  • there should be a collision-warning a few seconds before the actual collision could happen - sometimes, players like me turn around whil still having momentum … this results in collisions of course and a warning would be nice so i can fire up the afterburner, for instance
  • one needs to PAY for TRAINING?? REALLY??? Make the training a freebie and reduce the reward from it, please - having to pay for it doesnt make any sense at all.

i’ll extend the list once i get to play more … feel free to contribute but limit yourself to what you think would be actually NECESSARY for the game prior to release

  1. Agree. I think that is why we have so many ship slots :slight_smile:

  2. Disagree. Without speed limits, lurking tactics would be useless. Also good positioning and teamplay would be less important because you can get everywhere on the map in no time. Correct planning and positioning needs to essential.

  3. Agree and i think those explanations and descriptions will be there. Easy way to deal with the LASER problem is to put projectile speed in the weapon description. Like Plasma: Projectile velocity: 2000 m/sec, Laser: Projectile velocity: Beam.

TBH i have no idea why people think that laser weapons fires small energy bubbles.

  1. I dissagre on the shop and the equipping. As soon you click on the Fight buttons you should be ready to actually fight.

  2. Agree, but this is a closed beta with very few people and look slike most of them are speaking Russian. I hope there’ll be different chat channels later, even custom created ones and private chat.

  3. Agree IF i can disable it. I don’t want to hear a constant warning sound when i’m hiding around an asteroid.

  4. Agree and i don’t think that method will be there later.

  • if there are no ships left (still in combat) the player currently isnt able to play anymore - which is inacceptable, a basic ship should be provided if the player wants to fight immediately again

despite i agree… i think the game style not goin allow you this…

  • the speed of the afterburner should increase the longer the button is held - currently, it has an absolute maximum which is acceptable but still rather slow – of course, the energy-consumption should also be increased during this

that’s why there’s upgrade for speed in energy tree…

  • there should be some sort of explanation on the weapons about what it actually does and how it looks - for example, people think that “laser” actually means tiny, very fast light-pulses but instead it is a beam - which is of course a bit more logical … but the people arent used to it, no matter how illogical the personal assumption might be

that already stated in other thread i think… but yea… we need more explanation about stuff…

  • players should be able to do stuff while they’re in queue - this includes equipping ships, buying stuff and such

i’d rather not, im afraid gonna stuck or what … we queueing means we are ready anyway…

  • the chats should be optionally seperated by language - its rather illogical to put every player in the same chat … create ONE (!) bíg, global chat (which the players would have to enter manually) and MULTIPLE language-chats in which the players are by default – GEOIP and the selected game-language should help selecting the appropriate language-chat

i’d rather have pm and team chat… hardly can speak in battle due both side read it…

  • there should be a collision-warning a few seconds before the actual collision could happen - sometimes, players like me turn around whil still having momentum … this results in collisions of course and a warning would be nice so i can fire up the afterburner, for instance

dunno… i dont feelin need it, due alot of time i do Ram myself to other ship due it does damage and IGNORE SHIELD…

  • one needs to PAY for TRAINING?? REALLY??? Make the training a freebie and reduce the reward from it, please - having to pay for it doesnt make any sense at all.

imo… since im already used with almost-same-style game like this having pay-4-training ( World of Tank for example) , im only suggest we have special free training for nubs which give em reward… untill they hit rank 3 (rank required to buy frigate T1)

Also good positioning and teamplay would be less important because you can get everywhere on the map in no time

Uh … it appears you havent quite understood the concepts of “speed” and “increase of energy-consumption” - if your speed reaches … lets say 1000% – so would the energy-consumption, which effectively leaves you stranded, without AFT for a minute but you made quite a travel; that’d only be useful as last resort if your warpdrive isnt ready and you’re overwhelmed, maybe it could even be used to swiftly approach and gank enemys or even help teammates which are yet out of reach. An additional delay could be implemented once the energy got drained to 0% - lets say 30 seconds, that’d make it much harder to abuse yet keep it useful. Of course this “not-so-endless AFT” should be optional

Anyhow :

  • buying items which are yet unusable should really give at least a warning - i recently bought a cool cannon, lacking the knowledge that i cant even fit it … thats a rather big fault there, illogical actions should at least be announced.
  • if there are no ships left (still in combat) the player currently isnt able to play anymore - which is inacceptable, a basic ship should be provided if the player wants to fight immediately again

I disagree. You lost your ships, you should sit on the side line while your teammates finish the battle. If you had an endless amount of ships you wouldn’t be as careful not to get them destroyed. Right? Where is the incentive to stay alive if you just keep getting ships and can continue playing? Doesn’t matter if they are weak, they are still an enemy on the field for the team that deserves to put you out.

  • the speed of the afterburner should increase the longer the button is held - currently, it has an absolute maximum which is acceptable but still rather slow – of course, the energy-consumption should also be increased during this

That makes no sense realistically. Is this just for your pleasure? There is a maximum speed in not only all aircrafts, but all vehicles.

  • there should be some sort of explanation on the weapons about what it actually does and how it looks - for example, people think that “laser” actually means tiny, very fast light-pulses but instead it is a beam - which is of course a bit more logical … but the people arent used to it, no matter how illogical the personal assumption might be

Agreed. The weapon description in the hover tooltips are not helpful. I’m messing around with all of the guns now because I can’t believe the names and descriptions.

  • players should be able to do stuff while they’re in queue - this includes equipping ships, buying stuff and such

This is my biggest complaint!!! Why make me stare at a screen that says Searching… for minutes at a time?? Let me have access to my hanger and menu options while waiting for a battle to begin.

  • the chats should be optionally seperated by language - its rather illogical to put every player in the same chat … create ONE (!) bíg, global chat (which the players

  • would have to enter manually) and MULTIPLE language-chats in which the players are by default – GEOIP and the selected game-language should help selecting the appropriate language-chat

Most game development in beta stage don’t worry about chat until closer to release. This isn’t an exception here. It doesn’t matter to me this early on.

  • there should be a collision-warning a few seconds before the actual collision could happen - sometimes, players like me turn around whil still having momentum … this results in collisions of course and a warning would be nice so i can fire up the afterburner, for instance

After playing for a while longer you’ll get a better feel for your surroundings and won’t need a collision warning.

  • one needs to PAY for TRAINING?? REALLY??? Make the training a freebie and reduce the reward from it, please - having to pay for it doesnt make any sense at all.

Most games these days require pay for training. That aside, I don’t like it either. The training should come naturally with play.

Uh … it appears you havent quite understood the concepts of “speed” and “increase of energy-consumption” - if your speed reaches … lets say 1000% – so would the energy-consumption, which effectively leaves you stranded, without AFT for a minute but you made quite a travel; that’d only be useful as last resort if your warpdrive isnt ready and you’re overwhelmed, maybe it could even be used to swiftly approach and gank enemys or even help teammates which are yet out of reach. An additional delay could be implemented once the energy got drained to 0% - lets say 30 seconds, that’d make it much harder to abuse yet keep it useful. Of course this “not-so-endless AFT” should be optional

Anyhow :

  • buying items which are yet unusable should really give at least a warning - i recently bought a cool cannon, lacking the knowledge that i cant even fit it … thats a rather big fault there, illogical actions should at least be announced.

Believe me, i understood what you suggested here. That’s not the problem… atleast not this time. I know you thinks that a drawback would make infinite speed balanced, but it’s not. First, the maps are not so big, but quite large for flanking and even for some hide & seek games and also the team needs to share the objectives because you can’t be everywhere at the same time.

I know i’ve just managed to write down the same thing here like in my first reply. Now… the second thing. Increased Capacitor usage. In an interceptor, capacitor is not a real problem. My T2 'ceptor have 238 and with a +50% recharcge mod and the electronics skill at 5 (which is one of the first skill in the tree) i never run out of energy. I can use AB and firing with the rapid fire rails all day and my capacitor never going below 120-110. The 30 second delay would make you dead. I usually kill interceptors lot faster than that. Also there are energy draining modules… if there will be such feature, everyone will start to using them because that way they can disable an interceptor easily and to do that you don’t need real skills, just need to get into range.

I think interceptors right know are already very powerful. I can kill any sniper frigate on 1on1 any day with my interceptor. The MWD or whatever of the name of that special ability is makes a good interceptor pilot almost invincible. The recharge time of the ability isn’t long either. I can agree with your point if you want a mod that can increase AB speed about 20-30-50%, but with major drawbacks, like decreased shield regen and a max capacitor penalty, but still i have to disagree with the infinite speed.


"That makes no sense realistically. Is this just for your pleasure? There is a maximum speed in not only all aircrafts, but all vehicles.

In real life, spaceships can go at any speed which is slower than the speed of light. There’s no atmosphere and other effects that can slow down a spaceship, so if we want a realistic space sim, having infinite speed is a most have, but Star Conflict is don’t want to be realistic.

“In real life, spaceships can go at any speed which is slower than the speed of light. There’s no atmosphere and other effects that can slow down a spaceship, so if we want a realistic space sim, having infinite speed is a most have, but Star Conflict is don’t want to be realistic.”

I won’t argue physics, but moving vehicles have a top speed based off of the power of their engines (horse power for cars). It’s true there is very little weight in space, so the formula is different than for here on Earth, but the concept is the same.

infinite speed

Yep, you dont grasp the concept. At all. Have this one last hint and refrain from answering after that, please … im not your teacher :

a linear function for the energy consumption per speed-increase will STOP you at some point because you got no energy left. You wouldnt even be able to fire your weapons for a few seconds. There would be no “infinite speed”, no matter how much capacity you got. Every ship could have its own linear curve, limiting the maximum distance traveled (while holding down the AFT-button) to an amount the devs choose.