
In Open Space (and even PvP maps really) there should be dense nebulae across the map where ships can hide in like the Camouflage Shroud on the Pilgrim. This would be great for hiding from bots and players and would make the game a great deal more tactical. There could also be modules to allow ships to see a certain distance through a nebula and alter how they function.


Some of them should also have alternate effects, like repairs and energy egen or damage and depletion. Maybe most of them could take the damage of weapons that pass through them deal much less damage etc.

Honestly thats a really cool idea, I kinda want to see what would happen if a destroyer or something just menacingly made its way out of a dense plasma filled nebula cloud and ambushed an alien or something, it could make a good movie/cinematic shot.

On 6/16/2021 at 5:27 PM, Deathmachine777 said:

Honestly thats a really cool idea, I kinda want to see what would happen if a destroyer or something just menacingly made its way out of a dense plasma filled nebula cloud and ambushed an alien or something, it could make a good movie/cinematic shot.

This is exactly what this is for; thank you.