In the second tutorial mission as you can see in the images the ship you can pilot has equipped a weapon that you CAN’T use in the game with that ship… the RAPID PLASMA weapon… with no heating. In other point the missiles have a OP damage in the tutorial.


They are giving a false impression of the game for all new players that maybe expect can use that weapon in a future ship. What they don’t know is that the only plasma weapon for that ships is the riduculous singularity cannons that only few players use.





Not a bug, just the way they designed that tutorial. We all know that in a real battle the target would have one-shotted our gunship with an EM torp. :stuck_out_tongue:

what about 60 second invisibility cloak and no spread :)?

It is no bug, it’s designed this way.

what about 60 second invisibility cloak and no spread :)?

YES, you are right. I tought that maybe they decided to get back that weapon but… not. For the next update dear friend error tell to your devs friends that they can create a tutorial with a ship with 2 slots for missiles and 2 slots for ammunation…


What a game… they remove the most part of  weapons… but for the tutorial you can use a weapon that is REMOVED. What’s the purpose of that, it’s designed that way is the answer haha…


Is like bill gates saying windows 98 is the best operative system, yeah ok but i got blue screens every 10 mins… it’s designed this way LOL

Not a bug, just the way they designed that tutorial. We all know that in a real battle the target would have one-shotted our gunship with an EM torp. :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe you know that but new people can get confussed with that overpowered habilities and a removed weapon…


The funny is that this weapon is not removed the code is still inside in the game, that’s why they turned on for the tutorial.


The sad is can be the all day here asking why turned  9 differents weapons… no sorry 12 weapons (3 lasers, 3 plasma, 3 riels and 3 heavy weapons) into just 4…no sorry 3 (singularity is a joke of weapon)

the answer will be     IT’S DESINGNED THIS WAY. So ask here is wasted time

The funny is that this weapon is not removed the code is still inside in the game, that’s why they turned on for the tutorial.

Of course it’s still in the game, I use it on my interceptors every time I play…

OP, my thoughts were similar to yours, only a bit more nonchalant. 

It’s really not a big deal, this apparently misleading tutorial isn’t going to cripple newcomers. The fundamentals are there; flying, aiming, locking, shooting, missiles, modules, special module etc. 

I’m kind of grateful I didn’t have to kill the mob with 3-4 times weaker missiles.

Personally I found it hilarious, it felt essentially like a tackler-gunship-ceptor with cruise missiles.

yous just gots to larf it off sometimes…

What about that 7k shield regenerator with 10-12 second cooldown? lol

What about over aiming overcharge on a tackler?

What about it being a frigging tutorial explaining how to use left and right mouse button and how to activate modules? Seriously, the game has enough issues, but this isn’t one of them.

What about the 2500 energy regen? I want that for my ships!