[NB]Progress stuck

Hi, i can’t earn “federation’s money” because all my contrat are block (still 0/2 victory since 3 days), my progress is stuck help me ?

Thanks for help!

I assume you’re talking about contracts and loyalty, and I’m further assuming you’re not in the Federation hanger.


You can only take on contracts from a faction that corresponds to your current docking hanger. 

If you’re grinding mono crystals in other stations, then you will probably gain no progress in contracts at all. As all your progress in previous contracts is automatically removed at the moment you dock into a new station (station that does not match the faction of your ongoing contracts). A post that I create a few days ago in the Bug Report - Invasion section explains this kind of situation/bug, the link of that post: [http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/24331-additional-alien-crystals-2-or-4-cost-too-much-all-contracts-progress/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/24331-additional-alien-crystals-2-or-4-cost-too-much-all-contracts-progress/). Devs are probably going to fix it, as it’s very annoying and is pushing players to finish all progress in their current contracts if they want to get more than 2 mono crystals (3 for licence holders) per day. 


However, that might just be a new bug you have discovered. 


Hi, i can’t earn “federation’s money” because all my contrat are block (still 0/2 victory since 3 days), my progress is stuck help me ?

Thanks for help!


You can only complete contracts of the faction you are currently working in (the base you are docked) to switch contracts you need to pay 200.000 credits, and as said, all your current contract progress will be lost. That is not a bug, it is intended and always worked like that.


If you are still in lower tiers I recommend you keep completing your faction contracts till you reach at least rank 9. Seriously, investing vouchers in tier 1 and tier 2 is not optimal. Green modules are good enough.

As mentionned before,


This is not a bug, but an intended mechanic.


Tittle Edited


I love your spelling of this word

I love your spelling of this word


I used to do the same until someone corrected me  :00555:

I love your spelling of this word

Because T.T