[NB]Adaptive Camo


The description say he protect you from negative effects, but it is not true


Weapon sistem inhibitor;

Target Painter;

Engine supressor;

Inhibitor Beam;

Mass propulsion Inhibitor(i hate this);

Signaturing Masking.



Thay all still afect the ship when you using the adaptive camo.

Its prevents them from happening to you when using it, not when its already been applied to you.

that is just because it breaks the lock. the tooltip is indeed incorrect!

Its prevents them from happening to you when using it, not when its already been applied to you.

This not prevent from happening. Try enter in a engine inhibitor fild, still afect me.

well I can see energy can still affect you. Think, its draining all energy from an area. CAMO although adaptive couldn’t ever stop that.


They do have some real life stuff in here :wink:

Well, Camo once activated doesn’t draw on energy that i’m aware of. There is the initial energy use, but doesn’t take any to maintain.

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