Battle? Where? All i see is these paparazzi and their photo shooting session:
Combat Recon match where at the start for some reason our squad all chose guards. Of different colors. I came with the ‘brilliant’ idea to line us up for some artistic screenshots, while one of us was captain and we had enemies running around. We didn’t give a dam about the match.
Even funnier when we’ve been joined by a random blue Crus S; didn’t get to make more screenshots tho.
PS: Forgot about the changeable zoom setting, so the shots are a little narrow, sorry about that.
Had some fun last night, faced 4 man T3 ESB squad couple times with big names (Comrad iBalrog) was fun and close games we ended up wining (2 out of 3) later we faced this squad, note how we all have full t3 line-ups, and ESB got t4-t5 ships. we went balls to the wall and 3x capped them :lol:
P.S. While we were fighting t4-t5s whole night, those were the most challenging and fun games we all had in a while
I just noticed the funniest thing in Kosty’s screenshot: ESB squad got 4-5x times dominated in efficiency by a random in their team and NASA beat them with a CORP member on their side. Triple win