Name Your Price



How much in GS are you willing to pay for this paint preset ?




How much in GS are you willing to pay for this paint preset ?


if it is permanent ~1000 per ship

1000GS or 100.000.000 credits!

if it is permanent ~1000 per ship

So you want to put this on your LRF that everyone can see you from 100 miles away? :slight_smile:

So you want to put this on your LRF that everyone’s corpse can see you from 100 miles away? :slight_smile:



1000 GS is good if it comes with the lights and not just the metallic paint.

2000 GS if it looks like my old disco lights suggestion:


10000 GS if nobody else can have it! :slight_smile:

2000 GS if it looks like my old disco lights suggestion:



I want that!!!

Disco on my BubbleBringer <3 Would be perfect.


It would best be used on an ECM. If i had GS i would pay like everyone else say about 1000GS. 

1000 GS is good if it comes with the lights and not just the metallic paint.

2000 GS if it looks like my old disco lights suggestion:


10000 GS if nobody else can have it! :slight_smile:

Now we can have sweet rave parties in space!

they should put it on your ship and make you pay to take it off…  :015j:




Liberty Walk powah! Love LB Works.