Name Your Dreadnought

should name it Moon Moon.

lol… You know what, that should be the official name of the empire dread.

That or derpy.


Salsa sauce.

Spaceball one.

Spaceball one.


It transforms into a maid.

Empire Dread should be a death star…

and the captured empire dread should be that death star v2…

How about Siren? “Sirens were dangerous yet beautiful creatures,… who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and voices to shipwreck…”

I would call her, Lady of the Lake ! :004j:

Cuz I miss Rock&Roll. Something is missing from today’s rock. Probably the style. XD

Removed by Author 

OMG, I just had it. The PlDyn Dread must, pretty obviously, be named the



Lol, just to make Fox happy. I knew a girl once whose name was Hunter. She was a bada… kinda gal at that time.

I’ve thrown these names around/thought of these names for the BOJ dread:






Bubonic Plague


Avian Influenza

(aka Bird Flu) (AKA H5N1 (Highly Pathogenic Asian-Origin Avian Influenza A) and H7N9 (Avian influenza A (A(H7N9), according to the WHO.))

H1N1(Swine Influenza) 


Stomach Flu

(Viral, Parasidic(??) or Bacterial* Gastroenteritis)

(*Commonly caused by E.Coli and Salmonella)



(Quickly spread and quite lethal in a hospital enviroment where the immune systems of many patients are impared greatly. Quarantine procedures include a patient room with inverse air pressure, use of the N95 Repirator, use of gloves, and extreme care.)





(Viral, Bacterial, Mycoplasmic (Mycoplasma Pneumonia), Aspiration-Induced (Aspiration Pneumonia), or Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia (HAP). Of these different types, the deadliest is HAP.)

The Wiggler

Jah, chill mon, call it hermes or bob, coz iz dreads, mon.


The Wiggler

Reminds me of Wriggle Nightbug.

Not sure if fanart or official.