[NA]shift, ctrl, atl modifiers bugged

edit; sorry about title, misspelled. should read: shift, ctrl, alt modifiers bugged.


A. unbind zoom from the mousewheel

B. either in game or in hangar, hold shift, ctrl or alt and scroll the mousewheel

C. camera zooms.


also, this break something else


A. bind an ability to the shift key, ie: special module

B. press shift in battle to activate the ability while scrolling the mousewheel

C. the ability deactivates immediately sometimes.


it’s as if the shift key modifier is being released logically when the mouse scrolls, and then pressed again when the mouse is done scrolling.


no other way to explain that behaviour. i’m only pressing shift once, but the ability turns on+off… decloaks, pops a jericho torp right in your own face, etc…

actually, this bug has nothing to do with mousewheel…


it seems that simple binding an action to shift will sometimes activate it twice… immediately after it was activated…


sometimes several times in a row…


it works really well with jericho torps… try it… blow yourself up…


it also never fails to screw up cloak…


basically… this is 2 bugs to do with shift/alt/ctrl modifiers…


it activates items twice… making them useless (it turns them off basically immediately after activating them).


and also, mousewheel zoom works with shift/alt/ctrl pressed even though it’s not bound in key bindings.

furthermore, if you attempt to bind shift, alt ctrl via ‘autohotkey’, everything just breaks… its like the state of those keys is not being properly handled.


so you can’t even implement a ‘fix’ in autohotkey, since everything goes bonkers…

Learn how keyboard modifiers work on a hardware/low level software level, read up on switch debouncing.  Try a different keyboard and the behavior could go away.  The devs could possibly “patch” the issue, but blame your OS and keyboard more.  Even if there was a reliable trick that they could add, it could hinder rapid key presses.

no it’s def the way the state of these keys is being handled… that’s a fact.


never had problems binding those keys in other games or in autohotkey.


have you even tested it? bind special module to shift, and play for 2 days.


it doesn’t always happen, but sometimes it happens several times in a row.


skill turns on then off… in quick succession.

Please follow the report [guide](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/15569-how-to-report-control-related-bugs/).

i think i covered everything in that guide, except dxdiag.


anyways, it matters not… it seems to be LAG-related.


similar issues were reported by someone else in the patch discussion thread.

i think i covered everything in that guide, except dxdiag.


anyways, it matters not… it seems to be LAG-related.


similar issues were reported by someone else in the patch discussion thread.

Patch discussions threads are not for bug reports and usually we need the log files for each bug report.

Topic title:

  • Use a topic title which explains the bug with a few words.
    (Good: Game crashes when using module “Plasma Arc”. Bad: bug please fix.)

Topic content:

  1. Describe the bug in a few words/sentences.
  2. Why do you think this is a bug.
  3. How often does this bug occur.
  4. What was your last action/How to reproduce the bug.
  5. Detailed explanation of the bug.(Only if you need to add more information to 1.)
  6. Your system specs + Operating system as DX Diag.
  7. Videos + Screenshots (Only if needed, but in most cases they are helpful)
  8. Log files + Exceptions
    ( Please only add the Logs and Exceptions of the game session where the bug occured, not all! )
    (Logs can be found here: My Documents\My Games\StarConflict\logs)
    (Exceptions can be found here:   My Documents\My Games\StarConflict\Exceptions
    ( Upload the logs + exceptions as a .zip archive, not .rar! )
    (In case of game freezes or crashes, you should launch the game in window mode to have acess to your system)


If this isnt followed, we cant help you.