[NA]Internal error (error code: 0xC0000022)

Internal error (error code: 0xC0000022). Close all applications and try again. 

If this does not help, press “Error report” and send the report to product customer support.



everytime i try to start. pls give me a way to fix this.


Error Report is attached.


Added to the above:

The first time I installed it via Steam. I just installed the standalone version and it worked. However, i quit the game and when i wanted to continue later on, the same error massege pops up again and i cant get rid of it.



[txt5A50.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=5511)

so wtf did i sign up here for?

I am getting same thing there seems to be no fix or any real help that i can find glad i did not pay for it.

Seems that something was wrong with steam download. Try to copy your non-steam client into steam folder and press “play” button via steam interface. Steam and non-steam clients are identical, so you can use both for steam and non-steam launches.


Or simply click repair button in launcher.exe

Nope does not work.

Have you tried http://steamcommunity.com/app/212070/discussions/0/846947320639978194/#p2’>this?

They implemented that in a patch its already done matey and no it did not work lol

Patch fixed the problem? If it don’t then attach your logs please. I’ll forward it to developers.


Use http://forum.gaijinent.com/index.php?/topic/15572-how-to-report-client-related-bugs/’>this thread to help you find the logs.