[NA]Afterburners burnt out.

A few days ago I switched from “basic” flying mode to “expert” flying mode. Ever since I did that, my afterburners make my energy go down (the bar more like skips down) but my afterburners do not activate and my speed does not increase. It’s screwing my gameplay up pretty bad, so I would appreciate it if it was fixed somehow.

There’s been a recent bug report that could be similar.  [http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/21108-afterburner-gfx-and-sfx-not-working-r/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21108-afterburner-gfx-and-sfx-not-working-r/)


More details would be helpful.  That aside, I’ve never have afterburner trouble with expert or basic.

Make sure your not holding it down as you spawn as well, start moving and THEN activate your afterburners. If that doesnt fix it, please make sure to post your logs here to be examined in a zip or file format, not just cut and paste all the text.


Thanks in advance.