Mysterious cargo bug

The MCC’s are visually visible 5-7km behind gates and can be found with luck or scanner signals now, before it was usually hidden somewhere on the map and not outside of the map and not visible in any way other than with the scanner.

Here’s a pic


so, what is the problem? is it like not reachable?

They are,but floating like that in the open?They might aswell just not make them invisible anymore…

Not a bug as I heard. Maybe their visibility is. I’d say it’s just the result of the lack of time. Maybe the coordinates had been deleted during programming and this was the fastest solution.

1 hour ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

so, what is the problem? is it like not reachable?

Well, imagine you go and try to find one MCC, fly over the whole map and so the next one and next one and next one and not find anything which is really weird for me since im soo used to farm them that i know by default where they are. And all of this time wasted just realize that they are not only visible but also 5+km away from gates on the edge of the map in the complete opposite way and in the open, like you can clearly see them. And judging from steam i just visited by mistake as usual because it’s cancerous more and more with each day, people think its how it used to/should be, i wish people would learn the correct info as fast as they learn the wrong info jeez. smh

15 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

Well, imagine you go and try to find one MCC, fly over the whole map and so the next one and next one and next one and not find anything which is really weird for me since im soo used to farm them that i know by default where they are. And all of this time wasted just realize that they are not only visible but also 5+km away from gates on the edge of the map in the complete opposite way and in the open, like you can clearly see them. And judging from steam i just visited by mistake as usual because it’s cancerous more and more with each day, people think its how it used to/should be, i wish people would learn the correct info as fast as they learn the wrong info jeez. smh

I’m afraid its a feature, the MC’s were nerfed. People knew exactly where they spawned, it was supposed to be hard to find them, since you can easily get bps from them. It also makes sense since a Trading system is underway.

That’s why i put the minimum cash into mmo’s even if i really like and wish to support it. They make moves like that, protected under license agreements etc. Go trow your 6000 gold standard spatial scanner in the trash bin. Btw they made somthing great these past 6months or so. There were scanner sales at 50% off then 40% off. Awesme it was.

1 hour ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

I’m afraid its a feature, the MC’s were nerfed. People knew exactly where they spawned, it was supposed to be hard to find them, since you can easily get bps from them. It also makes sense since a Trading system is underway.

 And now we’d have to be blind(if those MCC act as should be) to not see the milking move. I sell ya something that will be close to worthless in a bit.

…Still gonna support, so much improvements for a few BIG downgrades.

As i recall every big patch or so, locations changed. and about 3 spot per sector. (those 3) were moving around every few months. IIRC

Because i remember a day where looking at old youtube video would give you the exact spots. Back when i started like 3 years ago.

It’s not a feature, how can it be a feature if it was always around objects and now it’s outside of the map by a huge range that you cant even pick up with your scanner. Obvious mistake is obvious.

10 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

It’s not a feature, how can it be a feature if it was always around objects and now it’s outside of the map by a huge range that you cant even pick up with your scanner. Obvious mistake is obvious.

The Mysterious Cargo Containers act mysteriously.

Well if it’s a bug, forget a part of my previous post.

I farm these containers 99% of my time, OS is my domain and as far as it goes, MCCs spawned mid-map mostly areas in a tricky way so it makes it fun to search for them. To find a MCC without a scanner requires to be 250m from it to decloak it first then collect and they spawn randomly, it used to be always one spot but it has been multiple spots per map for months, soo, yea, it’s deff a bug. :confused:

Those spots where the Conatiners spawn have been swapped many times before. It is just that developers thought it was too easy to just fly around some asteroids and find the conatiner in 5 minutes. It was just to make it harder. If the spots turn out to stay at their positions as they are right now, people will eventually know exactly where they are and the original process will return.

12 minutes ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

Those spots where the Conatiners spawn have been swapped many times before. It is just that developers thought it was too easy to just fly around some asteroids and find the conatiner in 5 minutes. It was just to make it harder. If the spots turn out to stay at their positions as they are right now, people will eventually know exactly where they are and the original process will return.

Spots change every patch. Placing them out of map just for people to fly like a xxxx in open field is stupid.

52 minutes ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

Those spots where the Conatiners spawn have been swapped many times before. It is just that developers thought it was too easy to just fly around some asteroids and find the conatiner in 5 minutes. It was just to make it harder. If the spots turn out to stay at their positions as they are right now, people will eventually know exactly where they are and the original process will return.

I think your name dont say enough Trollflake. Anyhow you’re good at it. Since i ain’t sure anymore. Stop playing wi ma head guis!

Container places change even without patches, it’s usually 3 or 5 places in any given sector.

14 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

Container places change even without patches, it’s usually 3 or 5 places in any given sector.

I know all of them, sometimes they are up to 8 different locations. In any case, now you can find it anywhere on the map, which makes the search 75% more difficult.

That explains all those 15 Mb patches…

unfortunately I cannot change my forum name anymore due to gaijin charging prices for that. And seriousely, that is the real d1ck move here.


Back to the topic - oh I’m sure you will be fine. Trade system is almost here and I’m almost certain you won’t need to go to the OS anymore.